Low Fodmap and post RNY diet

on 3/1/16 8:24 pm
RNY on 05/04/15
Does anyone have any experience complying with the low Fodmap diet while also complying with the necessary diet required for post RNY life. I have IBS and am 10 months out from WLS. My new GI doc wants me to try the low Fodmap diet (lifestyle, etc), but I've been looking at it and it appears that many people struggle with protein, iron, and carb intake in particular. I intend on contacting my WLS dietician for at least a consult, but if anyone here has any advice or thoughts, I would love to hear them. I think ideally I would like to find a cookbook or website with recipes, but any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Heather
H.A.L.A B.
on 3/2/16 3:35 am

I try to follow low FODMAP diet, low carbs, Keto, and no dairy. No grain. Only some fruits - berries and not much of it.

It can be done. 

Eggs, meat, fish and veggies.some nuts. It can be done... 

When my IBS flares - I typically relay on chicken with some veggies -cooked. Avocado and coconut oil as fats. 

I avoid onions, garlic. I use liquid stevia.. 

Btw - have your doc try to prescribe antibiotics for IBS? The can help. 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/2/16 4:08 am
RNY on 05/04/15
My dr refuses to try antibiotics for my IBS. Says that he has never seen them work that well. I responded that, as a nurse, I have seen them work in some cases. Coconut oil is 100% out for me as I am allergic to coconut. He has me on cholysterimine and bentil, which I have taken in the past with no improvement. I'm looking at other gastros in the area. I don't get the feeling he is even allowing my words to enter one ear before they exit the other. I don't know what is worse: 12-15 loose, watery, very painful stools a day or the gas (and associated pain/pressure) that is so bad that it must be violating the Geneva Convention.
H.A.L.A B.
on 3/2/16 4:43 am

You gastro sounds like my first one... I looked long and found my current gastro. Really great guy. 

Btw - with SIBO - fiber is contrindicated. 

Beside diet - what helped me very much is intermittent fasting - I pick 12-14-16 hours every day that I don't eat or drink any "food".. Just drink coffee (black with liquid stevia) some tea, and water. I tolerate diet tonic - the name brad that has saccharine. I typically dilute that with water 2 oz of tonic for 1I oz of water... That helps me to "flash the gut".

Oral iron can feed the bacteria - so I avoid that - the pain and cramps are horrible. 

If you can't use coconut - ghee may be a great option... I am allergic to dairy (proteins) but can tolerate some butter or ghee.  

Olive oil may also be great. 

For abdominaI cramps and pain I get hyoscyamine sublingual- and I carry that with me all the time.. . when grams start - 3-4 subligual at one time helps a lot.  1 - will not even touch it. 

Over time by trial and errors I found out what I can ocasionally have. I try not to cheat more that every few days to allow my gut and my butt to have a break. 

Pressure cooker (love my Instant Pot) helps with days I need just chicken and veggies diet. I keep frozen clean chicke, frozen batch of veggies for my soup - put all together in PC - add some water and fat - plus dill - push a button and 45 min later have steaming hot 5 -6 quarts of chicken soup. I typically strain that - and use the chicken "stew" as solid meals and use the broth to make homemade egg drop soup my body loves.. Or just drink it as broth... 

I use organic chicken, and try to use as natural beef and pork as I can get. Costco carry afordable organic chicken, ground beef and bison. 

Raw nuts are worse than roasted. 

I buy nitrate free bacon and I use George Foreman grill to make crispy bacon, and steam and use bacon fat for cooking.  

My body tolerated well cooked veggies better that just steamed. I.e green beans - then need to be soft.. Sauted spinach. 

Making omelets with chopped bell peppers and some dill, cilantro.. On bacon fat... Yummy.. I make a big one - then can eat that as lunch or dinner. 


Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

H.A.L.A B.
on 3/2/16 4:22 am

https://www.google.com/search?q=fodmap+chart&oq=fodma&aqs=ch rome.2.69i57j0l3j69i60l2.3783j0j4&client=tablet-android-veri zon&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgdii=Bb8pooqT3-p4ZM%3A %3BL9X_ZWL5C-K4qM%3A%3BL9X_ZWL5C-K4qM%3A&imgrc=L9X_ZWL5C-K4q M%3A

That list show the foods that I need to avoid.  Plus I do try to avoid all grains. And foods that are relatively high carbs.  

Best for me is to eat protein forward diet with some cooked veggies. Or at least steamed. NSA pickles and raw English style (low seeds) cucumbers I can eat raw. 

What I did - I put myself on a very simple diet - chicken with a few cooked carrots....with added coconut oil ...for fat. I would spice it with salt and pepper only to start with. After 1 weeks on the very simple and boring diet - when my IBS symptoms (pain, cramps,  gas) got much much better I stared introducing one additional food every 2 days and noted the gut reaction. I was able to add HB eggs, avocado, raw peel cucumbers, pickles, dill and cilantro.. A few bites of raw tomato added color to my simple cucumber salad.. (cucumber + avocado+ dill) 

My gut tolerates some nuts..Plus pork rinds...I use them instead of :-P

And since I have IBS-C (with constipation). I have low motility - food moves slowly, too slowly. I take Miralax to make sure the food does not stay in my gut very long. 

Once in a while I do get off the diet...but my gut reminds me why eating clean is important. 

If my IBS really flares up - I go back to eating chicken carrots eggs avocado and coconut oil... Dill and caraway seeds (ground) really helps with digestion.. 

Google FODMAP free recipes... You can find a lot. 

Also Google SIBO.. The current reserchbindicates that SIBO may be responsible for IBS. Treating that with anitibiotics helps with symptoms. Also following diet for SIBO really helps... 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 3/2/16 6:44 am - AR

Hello, my wife and I are nurses too . Did you have a colonoscopy to give an absolute diagnosis? I ask because at 10 months post VSG she had very similar symptoms as you. She had done research and thought she had IBS before seeing her gastro. Her colonoscopy looked clear. However a biopsy was taken to examine tissue just as another way to identify any unseen problems. Microscopic collagenous colitis was identified. She was treated with 8 weeks of budesonide and is much better. She had already started using Psyllium seed fiber supplement to bulk up stools and printed and kept a food and bowel log for several weeks to watch the trend. They are available from an IBS website . She was very frustrated with the whole process but is doing well now.

HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)

on 3/2/16 7:02 am
RNY on 05/04/15
I had a colonoscopy when I was 22 (I'm 37 now) to confirm the IBS diagnosis. My current GI said he would consider another colonoscopy if my symptoms don't improve within a year. (I just got off the phone with him about 10 minutes ago.). I'm seeing my PCP later today and I'm going to ask for a referral to a different GI. This guy is full of BS!
on 3/2/16 7:56 am - AR

In the end it is going to be about managing symptoms.  My wife's symptoms started improving on probiotics and Psyllium seed fiber.  The only only other thing we have changed beside the Rx is we have both added kefir to our diet.  YouTube or google it.  We make it. It is like a drinkable plain yogurt.  In the beginning it kinda had a fizzy buttermilk texture but it is better now.  I think w@#mart sells it. Hope this helps.  Good luck with the docs.

HW=362(6/14) SW=314(9/14) GW=195 CW=270 (1-26-2020)
