Exercise-When did you start. How much?

Karen P
on 11/26/05 4:20 am - Erie, PA
When were you able to start exercising. What exercise did you do when you were cleared to do more than just walk? How long and how often do you exercise? Do you use Curves? A gym? Exercise class? My surgery is in about three weeks, and I am wondering when I can expect my doctor to clear me to do water aerobics. I'm planning to do some free trial weeks until I find the place that I feel is right for me. I want to hit the ground running after surgery. I don't want to waste any time. I don't want to start too soon either. What did your doctor reccomend? Thanks in advance. Karen
Cassie Taylor
on 11/26/05 4:27 am - ogden, UT
Hiya Kathy. I didn't start exercising till last week. 2 months out. I bought a treadmill. I only walk about 15 mins a day, but I'm working my way up. I've had sooo many gym passes and from past experience I now know to never get one again. I never went. I'd go twice and the rest of the year would go to waste. I just don't like working out in front of people. I feel for ME it's best to just buy my own equipment. IN the long run it's so much cheaper as you get to keep the equipment forever. A gym membership you have to pay for forever. I now have the treadmill and a stationary bike. I'm having fun with them.
Karen P
on 11/26/05 4:38 am - Erie, PA
Hi, Cassie. I know what you mean about the gym passes. If all the people who have memberships actually USED them, the gyms would be packed. The same goes for exercise equipment at my house. We gotta keep it away from clothes because the clothing is so attracted to the treadmill and exercise bike. I'm still going to try the gyms when it's time, but I will remember your words before I sign on the dotted line. If I'm not gonna use it, I won't make that committment. Karen
Cassie Taylor
on 11/26/05 4:41 am - ogden, UT
LOL I just noticed I called you Kathy. Don't know where that came from. Sorry bout that. I know what ya mean about the clothes being attracted to the work out equipment. I've def used mine as a clothes hanger once or twice..LOL They work so well that way...LOL
on 11/26/05 4:55 am - ., PA
my doctor said to wait six weeks before joining a gym but to walk walk walk now.
on 11/26/05 6:06 am - Glenside, PA
Hey Cassie, I didn't know you bought a bike too. Lucky you. I am inconsistent going to the 'Y' but it is getting easier since I lost 51lbs as of today. Bet you are over your plateau since you started exercising. Huh? Maggie
Cassie Taylor
on 11/26/05 6:13 am - ogden, UT
Hey Maggie...actually my mom gave me the bike. I don't use it much. I like the treadmill. I don't know if i'm over my plateau or not. It goes in spurts. One day at a time.
Karen Jean
on 11/26/05 4:39 am - Charlestown, MA
Karen, I also have my own equipment. Like Cassie, I prefer doing it at home. I was cleared for swimming at five weeks (incisions must be completely closed, and well on the way to healing), and for resistance training at six weeks.
Emily H.
on 11/26/05 4:48 am
Karen, I WISH I didn't wait so long. I started at 4 months. I had complications and was just soooo drained and beat that I had no energy or desire. However, once I started exercising I toned up and the weight came off faster and the main nice thing I FELT better. I started off just walking down the driveway and built up from there. Now I run 2 - 5 miles per run. Curves is an excellent place to start out at once everything heals and your surgeon gives the ok to lift etc... Good for you for wanting to do it right away. I forgot how long my surgeon said to wait - but it wasn't actually as long as you would have thought. Good Luck em
Karen P
on 11/26/05 5:55 am - Erie, PA
Thanks, Emily. I don't want to be saying I wish I didn't wait that long. That's why I want to decide what I'm going to do ahead of time. I know I MUST exercise. I want to make it as emotionally painless as possible because I hate doing boring exercise. Walking with a neighbor always worked for me until we started to bore each other. I'm looking for something that's kind of fun to do. Karen
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