Woah, The Snickerdoodle Cookie
Sorry (or glad, whichever way that works
) to hear about the almost Snicker-cide. I'm glad that I'm not the only one that had a near death tangle with one of those cookies. I work in hospital food service (which instantly translates to a lot of really bad for you foods lying around everywhere at really cheap prices) and one of the things we carry is Pepperidge Farms Snickerdoodle cookies. Pre-op I loved the suckers, warm from the oven. (I'm the cook, so I'm the one pulling them warm from the oven.) About three months out of surgery, I was finally back at work and made about 7 dozen of these cookies (we get the dough frozen and we bake). I ate one. So good, it almost melted in my mouth. Then it preceded to kick my butt from one end of the cafeteria to the other. I almost considered going to the emergency room, I felt so bad.
I think it is the combination of a lot of butter and the sugar in that particular cookie that causes such a bad dumping reaction. However, one time around was enough to keep me from ever trying another one!
I agree with everyone else. Find your text books on line! Much, much cheaper!

Hey Ron,
Sorry to hear about the snickerdoodle episode. I'm really glad you're feeling better but those hours must have seemed like days!
I am amazed at the connections there are in the lives of you and your wife and me and my husband. I wrote you a while back and told you that my husband and I grew up in Ponca City, Oklahoma and he went to OSU.
Now I find out that you attend UTA. Our son graduated from UTA. And snickerdoodles --- well, who could possibly not like snickerdoodles --- before WLS?
Take care.