Woah, The Snickerdoodle Cookie
Venti is the size, the largest size, and currently Starbucks carries two sugar free syrups; Vanilla & Hazlenut. I prefer the vanilla flavor. You can also request hot or cold options. I prefer my latte hot.
On a last note, this is a milk based drink with coffee added in. I prefer whole milk versus lowfat milk.
Experiment and have some fun. Be warned though that this isn't a low cost habit, $4.73 per order, and it is addictive.

I cant drink a venti (16oz, 3 shots of espresso) to save my life... lol
I would try a grande (medium 12oz,two shots of espresso) or even a tall (small 8oz 1 shot of espresso)the first time to see before you move up... Plus a venti has about three shots of espresso in it which isnt too good for you being that it is a dieretic... I usually drink a tall iced nonfat (why add the fat) sugarfree hazelnut latte with one splenda if i want it sweet..
I used to drink a venti iced non fat quad (4 shots of espresso) mocha light whip... but i dont think ill ever be able to do that again..
Some peolpe like vanilla better than the hazelnut ... and the tall is like 3.00
Sounds like my experience with the giant blueberry muffin. In my morning haste, I looked at the back of the muffin package, saw 13 g sugar, thought I could just eat half. Soon after, in the painful grip of a MAJOR dumping fit, looked at the package again, more carefully, and saw that a serving was 1/3 the muffin. Duh!!
Beware anything that has "Snicker" in the Title!
I dump on just about Any amount of Sugar,
And on my "Darkess of Days,"
I've sometimes contemplated - "Snickercide!"
(thanking Francis Spencer for that term)
The bookstore?
Yes! You've got their number.
As an old university professor here,
Let me recommend the internet.
If you've got the book title, you can usually find it
For ½ price or better out here in Cyber-land.
Arlington? That's where I was born
And lived there for the first 12 years of my life.
It has changed SO MUCH since back then.
Have a great semester!
Best Wishes-

Oh maaan Ron that is heinous! **hugs** Just say nooooo to the Snickerdoodle!
I got sick yesterday from eating some crackers with peanut butter. I haven't been able to eat very much at one time the last 10 days or so. At lunch I bought some roast beef with taters and my daughter and I shared it, with me eating just a wee bit as I filled up very quickly. I had picked up a pack of peanut butter crackers because I realized that in about 2 hours I would HAVE to put something else in my stomach or get ill. So 2 hours later I ate 4 of the crackers ....too quickly.
How NICE it is to have to pull over to the side of a 2 lane highway in the middle of rush hour traffic on a Friday afternoon to vomit violently for 10 minutes.
I have only gotten sick 2 other times since surgery.
I won't be eating that fast again.
In fact, I think I may have lost the taste for peanut butter crackers for a while. Hrm.
Dumping and barfing are both gross. Neither has much of an appeal at all.
I may stick to my meaty soups. My stomach is liking them much better lately. Last night I had Maryland crab soup for dinner...a whole cup of it! and it went down really well.
*shudder* But no peanut butter crackers....

Hi Ron, I think staceyskitchen.com has sugar free snicker doodles you can buy.