Woah, The Snickerdoodle Cookie
Well AMOS Family,
I did a really dumb thing yesterday and I paid dearly for it. I went to college and met with my advisor to discuss the classes I should take next semester. Well that didn't go so well but that is a story for another post.
Anyhoo, afterwards I decided to go to the College Bookstore to check out the cost of the text books that I will have to purchase and as usual they are extremely high, about $150.00 per book. So to say the least, I left without the books however as I was passing the cash register I found a product that I just couldn't pass up. You see my favorite cookie is the snickerdoodle and my favorite provider of over the counter cookies is Pepperidge Farms. So there it was tagged with a NEW product label, the new soft Snickerdoodle cookie made by Pepperidge Farms. Just to good to be true so I had to buy them, regardless of my new replumbed digestive track.
So on the way home, I ate one cookie. I promise that I only ate one. Well that was one too many as I became deathly ill and got a headache and my stomach hurt so bad as I was cramping like a Big Dog. And it didn't go away either as my left side started killing me and I was sick from about 4:30 pm to 2:00 this morning. I finally ended up taking some pain meds to help me out. In the final assessment, I thought I had dumped before but I found out what a serious dump felt like yesterday.
I thought I could sneek that doodle in there however this dumping reflex said, "Not so Fast". I am so so glad that at least I had the common sense to eat just one as if I had eaten two of those GBS bunker busters I probably would have had to make a detour by the Emergency Room.
Others post that they can eat sugars and not be bothered. Well yesterday I found out that just didn't fly for me.
Oh well, I am off to buy my Venti, Sugar Free, Vanilla, Latte from Starbucks and get my daily dose of caffeine. A very close friend of mine introduced me to the VSFVL and I am addicted big time. I will just have to have my coffee snickerdoodle free thank you.
Take Care AMOS Family and have a great weekend,
Ron (The NOT Snickerdoodle King),

Ron, sorry you found that out the hard way! that sucks but we all learn from mistakes. what are you taking in college? maybe someone will have the books you need at a reduced cost. I am taking criminal justice classes through ctu online. just a thought. my son is taking all his gen classes and may have some books you might need. just let me know what you need and I will check (and would not charge you for the books, only shipping lol) good luck and take care. hope you feel better today
Well I am going the University of Texas at Arlington and pursuing a Finance Degree. For next semester I am taking Finance 4315 and Accounting 3304 which is Advanced Business Finance and Accounting Softward Applications. So it is highly improbable that I would find someone with the exact books that I need. However, I may see if I can get the books via Amazon.com.
The college bookstore, one of the longest running and continued scams in the honest world. Buy the books high, sell them back to the bookstore low and let them re-sell them high again to the next sucker. Just like cars, try to sell them your car and the value is low but purchase that same car on the sales lot and they have a price equvalent to 24k gold.
Life, you have to love it,
Gotta go get that latte.

Look on Amazon.com and buy them used online. Often times, the textbooks are cheaper than the bookstore and you can sell them back online after the semester is over for more than the bookstore is willing to give to you. I di that every semester and save probably a couple hundred dollars. Half.com is a good website too.
I have gotten used textbooks for my son from the Amazon Marketplace at Amazon.com. His book that cost $20 in the school bookstore was about 80 cents at amazon, used. It was listed as in "aceptable" condition, but the only problem was a few pen marks. The cover was even laminated! Good luck...it is worth a try.
PS. I too love SNICKERDODDLES. I Have not had one in a very long time, and after hearing your story, will not be trying one anytime soon! I did try a tiny tootsie roll midget on halloween, and I did not get sick, but if I remember from the few times I baked them, snickerdoodles have A LOT of sugar in them.
Have a great day. SH
Ron, so sorry about the dump. I am one who doesn't dump on sugar, so although I would hate to be that sick, I am very envious of the negative reinforcement.
BTW, www.half.com is another good place for textbooks. My daughter is in college and recently bought (at the college bookstore) a used paperback atlas for $45!! You are right, it is a scam!!
My husband graduated from UT Arlington (in the Dark Ages)! We are from Bedford, but left many, many moons ago as my husband was in the USAF.
Have a latte for me; it sounds great. Alas, no Starbuck's here in Smalltown, Ohio.
Hugs, Vicki/fluttrbye (just trying out my new username)
Sorry to hear about your experience, Ron. But it will be a good reinforcement for me.
I had to reply because I've not found too many other folks *****ally liked Snicker Doodles. They "were" one of my favorite cookies, too! We usually made ours homemade - I didn't even know Pepperidge Farms made them. I probably would have been tempted, too!
Dumping definitely doesn't sound like fun.

You know Matthew that is kind of what surprised me. I did check the nutritional panel on the product and it referenced 9 grams of sugar for 1 cookie. Well in our world 9 grams isn't great but many people can withstand 9 grams without dumping. Additionally, one cookie (and it is a pretty good size cookie) contains 140 calories and provides 2 grams of protein. I actually thought that I had found a treat that could work for me but I was wrong.
I guess our eating experience is a little like that famous saying, paraphrased, in Forrest Gump. "Food is like a box of chocolates." "You never know what you are going to experience."

Hi Ron!
Sorry to hear about what we'll call "the Snickerdoodle Incident". You know, in 7 1/2 months I haven't had a morsel of sugar..but that thought always is in my head? Will I dump? Am I one of the ones that can have sugar and not be affected? I desperately want to know that I do...but I think I'll continue to be a scardey cat, and won't try, cause I don't want to feel like you felt yesterday.
On a Starbucks note...we had a new Target open close by and they got a Starbucks in it. I couldn't for the life of me remember what drink it was that you guys had, that was OK. So it's a Sugar Free Vanilla Latte? And Venti is the size right. Do I have to tell them Non-Fat as well? I wanted to try it.
Good luck with the books..did you ever try Ebay? Do they sell them on there?