What was the weirdest, strangest, desperate thing you tried to lose weight?

on 1/13/16 7:33 am

I remember trying just about everything to lose weight. Like most of you, I tried WW, Jenny Craig (which actually worked for me. I even kept the weight off for years), the grapefruit diet, Phen-fen, Dexatrim, Hydroxycut, Alli, etc. I also tried Transformations, Symbionics, the cabbage soup diet, Ashworth... heck, I can't even remember all of the crazy things I've tried.

The absolute worst diet I tried, though, had to be Human Growth Hormone (HCG) shots. Daily shots of HCG and a 600 calorie diet. Who the heck wouldn't lose weight on 600 calories a day? I stopped the diet after the nurse at my doctor's office cried when she heard I was doing it. She burst into tears and BEGGED me to stop and made me swear I'd never do it again. My doctor was none too happy, either, but at least he didn't cry. I stopped, and, of course, regained what I'd lost.

The last thing I tried was not trying at all. I ate what I wanted, when I wanted and I just kept getting bigger. At 4'11", I looked more like an Oompa Loompa than a human being. I could see the disgust in strangers' eyes, and even in my own when I looked at myself in a mirror.

I finally got my insurance to approve WLS back over the summer, and here I am... almost 8 weeks post op, 34 lbs lost, and on track to being a healthier, happier me. It's about darned time!

HW: 246; VGS: 11/23/15 Dr. Joel Sebastien; SW: 226; GW: 130; CW: 166  

"If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you." Fred DeVito                 "Perhaps, this very instant is your time." Louise Bogan

                                     "A year from now, you'll wish you had started today." Karen Lamb 

Kathy S.
on 1/14/16 8:40 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with

Congratulations on your surgery and weight loss    I too just gave up and that is how I ate my way to 330 pounds.  But what is really sad is I didn't realize just how big I had gotten until my husband and I were on a cruise and he took a picture of some turtles. I was by accident on the other side and he get a shot of me.  I was HORRIFIED at what I say.  I mean I really didn't see myself that big.  Thank goodness for WLS or I would be dead.  

WE look forward to your updates on your success!

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130
