Activity after laparoscopic gallbladder removal
I was training for a half marathon when I had my gallbladder removed. My surgeon knew of my training plan and gave me a hard deadline of 10 days post op before I could start running again. I walked 4 miles 5 days after my surgery and the last 1/2 mile nearly killed me (an exaggeration, but it was a HARD 1/2 mile). I was running again 10 days after my surgery and the first run was hard but I got back to speed really quickly. I would check with your surgeon for any requirements s/he may have, but I could have done it. It wouldn't have been pretty, but I could have done it.
Good luck!
RNY on 10/06/14
Thanks. I'll definitely let him know my plans, and go by whatever he says.
150 lost and maintaining!