"Don't get too skinny"

on 1/6/16 3:45 am

ignore them! I don't bother to give an answer anyone who says that to

me . 

They need to MTOB.

on 1/6/16 4:19 pm

I had/have similar experiences.  I'm down to just below 200 and I still have 40is lbs until my goal, which will still be on the upper end of the normal weight for someone my height, but my mom told me something and it really made a lot of sense.  All the people who knew you before you lost weight think of the old you as more normal in their minds, that's what they were used to seeing.  Of course they knew you were obese, but after awhile you get use to recognizing a person as they are.  So when you lose so much weight you look drastically different, so it's kind of a shock to them as well as yourself, when you so choose to really recognize how far you've come.  Just yesterday I had a friend at work tell me I needed to stop losing more weight, and she has to be almost 90lbs less than me.  I just told her she needed to gain weight lol  But my point is I don't think people say these things to be malicious or even to be noisy.  It's a shock for them just like it is for you on how much you've changed and how different you look.  I was talking to my mom today and she said even though she knows how much I weigh, she can't help but worry sometimes that I look to thin or sickly, because of how much weight I've lost and how much I've changed.  I think once you get to goal and you're there for a little bit, people will normalize that image in their minds and they'll understand better that you weren't at your goal before and how much healthier you are once you get there.

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