New Here - Informal Survey for Long-Timers

Lisa F.
on 12/31/15 11:48 am
VSG on 06/06/16

Thanks everyone! I'm very grateful that you took the time to reply and appreciate the honesty and supportive messages.

I'm seriously considering it and just yesterday met with a doctor, *****viewed my diet with me. She said it was clear that I had done a lot of work and would be a good candidate for surgery, but that she wants me to address the problem with my dinners first. This makes total sense to me, as I know I won't be successful until I get this piece under control.

I'm sure given the new year they'll be holding seminars, which I'll attend. I'm also a big researcher, so I'll certainly do my due diligence there.

Any other suggestions or source of information (websites, etc.) that you would suggest as I look into this? 

Thanks again and Happy New Year to all!


on 12/31/15 3:30 pm - Sunny Southern, CA
on 1/4/16 12:57 am

I did not make bad food choices, and have always been fairly active, and didn't do things like eat at buffets or much processed food. I had an efficient metabolism my entire life, and made it much more efficient by doing different very low cal fad diets (we have several in common), fasts and eating disorders - enough so that there was just no getting it to rebound back. I cranked up my activity lever for years trying to reset my metabolism, and only then managed to maintain, and still at severely restricted calories. I tried to change my lifestyle and anything else that could help (seriously, even things like turning the heat down to 60 and wearing tank tops to force my body to burn calories just to stay warm!). I put off surgery for many years, and it's my only regret about surgery.

If it weren't for my history, I'd have liked to have gotten the sleeve. I knew I needed malabsorption too, and wanted to keep my pyloric valve which the DS and sleeve allow you to do. You can take NSAIDs for pain with these too, but cannot take them again with RNY. I had enough wear on my joints at 40 I knew I would rely more on NSAIDs for pain in a few short years. Like RNY, the DS meant I had to take many supplements for the rest of my life (and likely more). Considering I'm off all the prescriptions for stuff like blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar, I'll take the handful of vitamins any day. Sleeve it's less demanding with supplements, but you have to have at least some metabolism.

I also look at my mom, who is now 89, and still obsessed with trying to lose weight. Eighty Nine. It breaks my heart to think of all the years she's stressed over her weight. I'm DONE letting my weight dictate anything to me. Now, and when I'm 89 (which I now actually may make it to since I'm no longer morbidly obese) I want to LIVE MY LIFE  and enjoy family! Gardening, travel, grand-kids - whatever will be floating my boat at 89 - not dealing with my restrictively fat body.


diane S.
on 1/6/16 11:49 am

Well I am kind of like you. Struggled with weight for years and lost weight many times but never enough and always regained.  I finally decided wls was necessary or i wasn't going to live long.  had vsg at age 58.   Didn't even know there was such a thing until I went to a Dr. seminar but it seems like a good idea.  Did loads of research as there were far fewer sleevers back then.  Its been over 6 years now since i lost 125 lbs.  Have regained about 6 lbs and am at 127 and 5'4".  I had an easy surgery and recovery and slow but steady weight loss.  Its all been great but as others have said you have to be ready to change habits and your relationship with food. If you can commit to that, surgery does make it a whole lot easier because you have less hunger.   No way to lose weight without eating less.  I am not sure I could have done this when I was in my 30's or 40's - took time to come to the realization that this was the right path for me. Once I made the decision, it was 8 months before I could have the surgery for various reasons, but i decided there was no reason I couldn't start healthy habits immediately.  just more walking, fewer sweets etc. lost 17 lbs during that time which made surgery easier.

Hope this helps.  I do not regret it for a minute and proudly tell anyone about it who seems interested.   diane


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on 1/6/16 12:58 pm - Canada

Hi , I was 62 when I had the bypass done and it was the best thing I ever did.No more high cholesterol, high blood   pressure, sleep apena  and my arthritis is much better.I have a knee and hip replacement as well as 4 finger knuckles on both hands so it is water weight aquatics for me. I had this done 5 years ago, I am now 67 and 135 lbs. It is not easy and you still watch everything you eat but it as well worth it.  Good Luck  from Newmarket, Ontario , Canada


on 1/10/16 10:45 am - Taylor, WI

I just passed my 7 year anniversary from having RNY done on Dec. 30th, 2008. Best thing I ever did for myself!  I don't regret one minute of it. I am 52 years old now. Had weight issues since my teens. I would lose and regain weight.  If you have tried lots of weight loss options and they haven't worked for you please consider some type of weight loss surgery. No reason to keep trying what isn't working for you. You have a lot of years ahead of you, why not enjoy them more at a healthier weight?

weightloss.jpg weightloss image by pegleg63Beth    
Lisa F.
on 7/4/16 9:02 am
VSG on 06/06/16

Hi all -

I was looking at my first post and thought I'd reply here to catch you all up on where I am.

I had the VSG on June 6th. Surgery was successful with no real complications. Today I'm 30 lbs lighter, down a dress size and already feeling the positive effects (stairs, for example are much easier). The past month hasn't been easy...I'm still struggling to be consistent with hydration and learning to not overeat (foamies are awful!!) but I'm starting to feel like I'm in a normal routine.

I wanted to tell you all that your responses here were so helpful in my making the final decision to move ahead with this. I now recognize many of your names and am grateful that you all take the time to help us newbies. Your time here has a real impact on people's lives.

Happy 4th of July to you all! I suppose I can look at this day as my own personal "independence day"!

Now off to a pool party!

VSG DATE 6/6/16 | SW 280 | CW 198 | GW 175 | HEIGHT 5'8 | AGE 55


