
Ruth E.
on 12/17/15 4:51 pm - Marion, VA

I had a rny in 2001. Unfortunately I have gained back 70% of the weight. I never thought I would ever be this size again. I would be happy to lose 40 pounds. I have fibromyalgia and unspecified stomach issues. The gastro doctors cannot figure it out so it has been a rough going. I am not able to eat much meat for protein since that is what makes me very ill. Where do I start? I was reading where everyone says to go back to high protein but that is not an option due to not being able to eat much meat. Protein shakes also make me ill and my palate cannot stand the taste and before I know it I am heaving it all back up.

(deactivated member)
on 12/17/15 5:01 pm - CA

I too had surgery in 2001 and have regain in the last two years.   I have gone back to basics, cutting carbs from my diet, using lean white meats and focusing on protein in the form of meats/hummus/eggs, etc.   I can and do use protein shakes for quick meals and spruced up sf treat (protein sf pudding)    Since you cannot eat meats, I would say you need to focus on other alternatives such as hummus and eggs (if you can tolerate chicken or tuna in the form of a pureed salad, try that)  Try using an unflavored protein powder to add to foods to increase the protein content.   That will help as well.   

You might want to go see your Bariatric Surgeon and let them assess you for possible mechanical issues, such as stoma or stomach enlargement.  This can and does happen to people that are as far out as us.   There are some endoscopic revisions that can be done if there is an enlargement of the stoma.   Also, start a food diary and see what exactly you are eating and make changes from there.  Once you can identify what you are eating that is not conducive to WLS it will help you to determine where you can make changes and cut out what has been causing the weight gain.    

Hope this is somewhat helpful. 


White Dove
on 12/17/15 6:48 pm - Warren, OH

Protein is great, but the only thing that will really take weight off is eating less calories than you burn.  Track your food with My Fitness Pal.  You need about 10 calories a day to maintain a pound of weight.  If you weigh 200 pounds, that is 2000 calories.  Figure out how many calories you need, subtract 500 per day and you will lose a pound a week.

There is no magic to this.  I thought I would never have to diet again, but if I don't then I gain weight.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
