Is This Good or Bad Behavior???
Is there some reason that you cannot just enjoy ONE cup a day? Why do you need three? As already pointed out, that's a lot of extra calories and sugar... and I am concerned that the carb cravings are getting ahold of you.
No, 30 extra grams of protein (which you likely don't need if you're making good food choices!) doesn't justify it. I know you are half joking, but "carb creep" is very real.
One cup isn't a problem. Three, IMO, is.
14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained
You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
Put down the hot chocolate my dear! And if you "must" have it, then get Swiss Miss Diet (sometimes called Swiss Miss Sensible Sweets Light). It only has 25 calories and 4 grams of carb. A much better choice. I get mine off Amazon since it's not avaiable anywhere around here.
You are getting 300 extra calories a day from something that is giving you ZERO extra nutrition - bad trade-off in my opinion. And although you don't state it, I'm certain the carb count is adding up to an additional 30 carbs per day. That was nearly my entire daily allowance for carbs when I was in weight-loss mode.