Considering Surgery (leaning towards RNY) - Input? Advice?
And I wanted to ask the members of this site whether you were satisfied with your results and experiences?
I had RNY 4/2015. Yes, I'm satisfied with both my experience and the results this far.
Is the post-op meal plan very difficult to stick to?
Depends on your willpower-- some are stronger then others. To me its very 'common sense'. X (protein) has to come before Y (veggies- or anything else). There's not much room beyond that. Managing cravings is is very crave what your body doesn't need.
Is there a lot of pain through this process?
Pain is subjective-- I may tolerate it better then you or vice versa. Its a surgery-- of course there is pain. Beyond the surgery recovery I've had two or three unexplained painful episodes that lasted maybe a 1/2 hour. Outside of that no ongoing pain.
Did you find the pros outweigh the cons?
I have not found any cons yet. I can not eat fried food at all since they make me sick-- they aren't good for you anyway so I'll save my alligator tears. I CAN eat sugar, I do not don't look for that to be a magic fix for a sweet tooth. Maybe the vitamins scheduled is a 'con'... its just tedious-- I really wouldn't not call it a con.

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI
Weight loss surgery will help you lose weight. The first year in particular you will lose more weight than you ever will. The thing is that it's permanent. You will need to follow the diet for your particular surgery for the rest of your life. You will need vitamin replacement for the rest of your life. Losing the weight is really the "easy" part. It's maintenance that is difficult. Regain is very easy to do. Personally I could not have handled it when I was so young. You may be more mature than I was but for me at 55 it's still very hard road.
I guess my point is that these surgeries are great things but they last a lifetime. Your commitment has to be too.
Good luck