Trying to find my motivation after 8 years

on 12/9/15 12:20 am - Clover, SC

I lost 160 pounds after RNY gastric bypass 8 years ago. Then after 3 miscarriages, subsequent depression, and finally 2 healthy c-section babies, I gained back around 105 of the pounds I had originally lost. Granted, I've kept off 55 so far but that is not enough!

I have autoimmune problems, mild depression at times, anxiety, and I've suspected some type of metabolic or genetic problem. Sooo...losing weight is like watching for the sap to run down a tree (it just doesn't happen).

I desperately need to at least make an honest, valuant effort to eat healthier smaller portions and get exercise! But, I just cannot seem to get motivated to even begin this time. Starting has never been a problem in the past; turning dieting into a lifestyle instead of "just a diet" was always the hard part before.

I guess I need advice, encouragement, or something. Thanks for reading! 


on 12/9/15 3:38 am - Cobourg, Canada
VSG on 04/12/13

It sounds like you have been through the ringer - but life does that to many of us.  You have worked  very hard to have those babies I'd say that is alot of motivation - to be around to see your babies maybe have babies of their own.

Keep being active on this forum do some back searches & read the articles.  You will find the strength to turn this train around.

(deactivated member)
on 12/9/15 4:04 am

Have you talked to your Dr about this? After all you have been through and with your health issues it is possible your "mild depression at times" is more than that. You don't have to be feeling sad all the time to actually be depressed. Maybe some meds to help lif your spirits would help you get on track. When I have taken anti-depressants it feels like a whole new and much brighter world.

Maybe you can find a WL support group somewhere. I actually thought about joining WW not for the diet but to be with other son the same rd. Unfortunately the closest group I could find was over 30 miles away. And of course keep coming here for support.

How old are your children now? An age where you can push a stroller and get out or old enough you walk with them or go outside and play with them? Do they ride bikes and could you join them? Do you have a friend that would go for walks for you?

Can you get support from your husband or friends on changing your diet, trying new recipes?

I wish you all good luck getting back on track. I was off track for about 5 yrs so I have some sense of what you are going through.

Brandi Girl
on 12/10/15 5:02 am
WLS on 10/18/11

I have considered joining WW also just for the support meetings! But I can't get myself to pay thee $11 a week (or whatever it is up to now). I can not find any other type of weight loss support meetings in my area. I am trying to not only come here more often but to begin to post. Fingers crossed it helps give me the support I need to get back on track. There is a forum here called "Back on Track" it would be nice if more posters who were having these regain issues came there and shared their struggles and supported one another!! I see many people who have regained some weight who post about it in other forums and wonder if they are just unaware of the BOT forum? Best of luck to us all. It is nice to know we are all here for the same reason :D


(deactivated member)
on 12/10/15 9:24 am

I thought about joining WW too for just for the support. That was when they were running some super special to join. I wouldn't pay $11 a week either. However when I found the closest WW was 30 miles away I decided not bother especially as they were night meetings. Us older folks don't do so well driving at night especially in the country where deer love to aim for our cars. Before during and after it is a life long battle we all fight. Good luck.

Brandi Girl
on 12/10/15 9:46 am
WLS on 10/18/11

I live in an area that deer are a huge issue also! Not only do I not like driving in the dark also, but now that it gets dark at 5pm after working all day I am ready to just put my PJ's on and relax for the night. I know it's a bad habit but the older I get I just don't have the energy to do much after work in the evenings. It's a battle as you stated-for  sure!


(deactivated member)
on 12/10/15 9:54 am

I so agree about getting tired more easily as we age. But I must add at least I have some more energy now I am not dragging so much weight around. I used to pretend I was carrying a bag of hog chow on my back and delighted as it got lighter and lighter. Comfy pj's are what we deserve. It doesn't mean we have to sit down all night.

Brandi Girl
on 12/10/15 4:49 pm
WLS on 10/18/11

I found what helps me after work is if I just don't sit down when I get home. Once I sit down it is hard to find motivation! I stand and cook dinner. I pick up around the house (as much as I would rather not). I walk my dogs when the weather is nice. I am trying to prep my meals for the next day. Doing anything but sitting. I know a lot of people would think this is wrong, but for me I also put off dinner as late as possible. Like I said, once I sit I am down for the night. And to me what time of the day your body takes in the 'calories' or whatever does not matter. Just my opinion.


(deactivated member)
on 12/9/15 4:07 am

Having three miscarriages is very hard on a person. Even though you have two healthy children. It was still a major loss in your life. 

Depression and anxiety suck the life out of you. It might be a good idea to talk with a therapist. 

Get all of the crap out of your house. I would use myfitnesspal to help you journal your food. 

Keep coming here for help. There are a lot of vets and even newbies who can give you encouragement. 

Remember you are worth it. 

on 12/9/15 4:17 am - Clover, SC

Thank you all! I do take Zoloft and it helps, but more for the anxiety. I have been to therapist a few times over the years and they always release me because they say I know all the right things to do. Usually  handle depression very well and I only have a touch of it now. It was just pretty bad right after my miscarriages.

My boys are 19 months and 4 years old so they do provide many opportunities for me to be active, lol. I definitely need to seize those chances more often!

