Totally frustrated!

on 12/6/15 7:49 pm


I've actually been a member since 2007 but I didn't know any of account info to get on. I don't even have the same email. Needless to say, it's definitely been awhile since I have looked at


Here's my story! 

I had Gastric Bypass surgery in April of 2009. I was 390pds and I went down to about 205pds. I worked my butt off by eating right and I was working out at a gym. I was doing very well but by 2012, I was having a revision surgery.

I jumped up to 260pds. I had surgery and magically at this moment..I am 290pds. I never lost any weight but gained more weight. I try over and over with "Today is the day! Eat right..get my Jane Fonda fitness tapes on!). I'm okay for max 2-3 days.


This past summer, I walked a lot. I did okay. I'm in Wisconsin, it's cold! I have no car to go join a gym. My only hobby is eating. I work part time and I never have found anything that interests me that I'd consider a hobby. I'm 32 years old and I just never found much to go on..


Sounds like I need to seek a professional that directly works with mental illnesses? Yeah, that's covered. I was properly diagnosed after almost 10 years and I'm on such a good medication regimen finally. However, nothing has changed with my poor eating decisions and or habits nor my lack of movement.


I don't buy horrible food but I eat too much of what I do buy. I don't eat meat, that makes me sick. I dunno, I'm all over the map with this post..


I'm not really looking for sympathy or negative feedback. I'm well aware that I'm making the wrong choices. It just feels nice to write all this and I know someone will read it :) 





on 12/7/15 5:19 am



do you have a support system in place around you?  Persons that have been there, that can relate, offer support and keep you honest?

it sounds like this is missing from your life, are you active in a group of some kind?  Knitting, scrapbooking, A church Bible Study?

Where are your peeps?

This forum of course you know is amazing, I have been here a short time, my surgery is not until April of 2016 so lots of knowledge and

support I am soaking up before hand.

I am here if you'd like to talk

Please add me to your friends network






on 12/7/15 5:59 am - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

Just curious, how did you get to the gym before?  Also, what revision surgery did you have? Are you still seeing your surgeon? Not being able to eat meat would make it possible for me to meet protein levels- and could signify a problem. 

Do you work part-time by choice? Is there an option to work full-time? If no other hobbies, why not occupy more of your time working? 

Take baby steps to get back in the game. If amount of what you are eating is the biggest issue-- then get a food scale (or pull out the one you abandoned using) and start weighing & measuring your portions. Are you drinking calories? Are you drinking with meals? 

Pick one area- I don't care where, exercise, nutrition, and work on mastering  that area.





5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

on 12/7/15 9:55 am

I totally have a support system since day 1. I work Part time because I have issues with full time. I get very overwhelmed and have quit many jobs because of of this..anxiety etc. I love the job I have. I work with the eelderly. I'm part of the activities department. I've been doing activities for quite some time. It's definitely my nich. Also, the place I work for did major budget cuts in all departments. I am permanently at 20 hours. 


I used to have a car but it was beyond repair. My Dad & boyfriend helped so much trying to fix it but it was shot. That's how l was able to go back & forth to the gym. However, I made a mess with my credit and I am unable to get financing for pretty much anything.

I live with my boyfriend of 5 years. We just moved into our 1st home. He's a wonderful guy.

Perhaps, I shouldn't of said "Revision". I had my pouch tighten.

I was seeing my surgeon regularly but now he doesn't accept my insurance. 

I drink huge amounts of water. I sometimes do drink while eating but not much. It will hurt me. I still can get sick from making stupid food decisions. 

I'm definitely responsible for my weight gain and poor eating habits. I'm well aware of this but I still struggle with doing the right thing. I am a binge eater. I love sweets. 

Even though I am on a correct medication regimen. There's obviously no 100% guarantee that I will be " fixed". I still get depressed from grieving my Mother & Grandma. I don't have much family anymore. My financial situation is stressful and bothers me a lot. There's many contributors to my depression.

Through it all, I am a very social person. I love meeting new people and I am a chatty Cathy. 

I am just a hot mess and just a complicated person. I am super friendly and a fun person. I have many flaws like anyone else. 

I wish I could control my hunger and have a hobby. I seriously never took to anything that I'd enjoy doing. I've tried things but nothing that that streaks me as a possible hobby.


I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place.


Mary Gee
on 12/7/15 9:13 am, edited 12/7/15 1:12 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Nikki - You certainly have challenges, some more difficult than others.  Peachpie asked some pertinent questions.  You don't give a lot of details....Do you live alone, why did you have revision surgery, what health issues to you have, etc.  Without the full story, it's hard to understand and try to offer some help, information or suggestions.

My story - I had surgery 5/14, highest weight was 380, surgery weight was 342, and I'm down to 220.  I've been at 220 for several months now.  I was having "issues" at home - I actually got my boyfriend to move out, but then realized his health issues were more serious than either of us realized and he was not physically able to take care of himself or get himself to necessary appointments, so he moved back in with me after two weeks.  His health declined quickly and he passed away three months ago.  I have not gained any weight, but I want to get down to my goal.  I keep trying to get back on track, but like you, I'll do good for 3-4 days, then start back on the carbs.

I will say this though, I acknowledge that it's me that's holding myself back.  No one else.  I know if I follow the program, I will lose the weight and reach goal.  So I keep putting the effort in...  

I'm depressed because I am alone.  I've had to push myself - to go to the doctor and see a psychologist, and now I'm on anti-depressants.  I push myself to get out of the house - I've started to go to church on Sundays, and just today I called the local food bank about volunteering so I can get out of the house and be with people.  If I could work, I would, but I'm disabled.

I go to the library - not because I have to, but to get out of the house for a while.  I could order e-books free from the library, and I do that sometimes - but it's better to go there instead. I used to crochet, so I'm going to get some yarn and start an afghan - that will keep my hands busy in the evening, when I struggle the most.  I also will be signing up for cake decorating classes after the first of the year.

Exercise - There are chair exercise videos on YouTube - I do those because I have mobility issues.  I also got a recumbent bike for home - I've just started using it again.  I've tried gyms in the past - don't like them - and don't need them.  Exercise is good for toning and improving mobility - but they are not necessary for weight loss.

I often wonder why sometimes it seems so easy to be "on track" and other times it seems impossible.  It's obviously all "in our heads".  So, I continue the battle....I'm being successful keeping the weight off, and I'm determined to get back on track.  I know the surgery did not fail - my restriction is still there.

My plan now is to plan a menu every evening for the next day - writing it down.  Then I gather up all the food for the next day and put it all in one spot in the refrigerator and on the counter. I also make sure I drink plenty of fluids - I always get at least 64 oz. in, usually more.  I'm having difficulty with some meats, so I eat the ones I can, and I've added different types of fish to my program, along with eggs, cheese and yogurt and protein shakes (which are not my favorite).  You can meet your protein goals in one way or another - it may be a challenge, but it can be done in reality.

I can't expect others to do the work for me - that's impossible. It's my problem, and only I can solve it.  Like I said, it's a struggle.  Even though I suffer from depression, I never give up hope.  I try to look at my issues "from the outside looking in" - as if I were looking at a stranger.  It's always easy to see solutions to other peoples' problems and say "you should do this" or "you should do that" - so I try to "depersonalize" my problems and look for solutions.  I recognize that I have to push myself.  Sometimes I can do it, other times I can't, but I never give up.

So, all I can say is don't give up.  Fight the battle.

Best of luck to you.



 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 12/8/15 9:53 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

Be kind to yourself, and keep plugging away. Losing the weight is more about the food than having to go to a gym. Think 'activity' every day. Turn on the music and dance in your kitchen. I used to set the timer on the stove.

Go cold turkey off the carbs for awhile and that would probably help the cravings get under control. Get back to basics- pick something to start with... weighing and measuring, protein first, no drinking with meals and 30 minutes after. My surgeon's mantra is "protein first, then veggies and then if you have any room fruit and carbs" never says no carbs- just put them at the end of the list.

If you aren't eating 'meat' you maybe eating a lot of slider foods and that will make you hungrier. Go back to having a proteins shake every day to up your protein count. Not enough protein will make you hungrier too....Count your protein and count your fluids...

You don't have to do it all at once, just tart somewhere... Good Luck and keep coming back!

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets


