Absolutely no restriction...I dont' thing surgery worked

on 12/8/15 2:30 pm

It's all good!!!! 

I told them how much I was able to eat and at over 3 weeks out, they aren't concerned with tearing stitches or staples on pureed food.  Different story if it were a plate of pasta, I guess.  The rule of eating until full is correct since most of their patients struggle to get in 1/2 cup.

I spoke to the nurse and the nutritionist.  Although rare, I am not thier first patient to experience this.  They advanced me to soft fork mashable foods.  They think that might help the weight loss also.  I've lost another 5 lbs in two days.  Nutritionist looked at My Fitness Pal journal and was pleased with my calorie range of 800-1000 calories per day.

They also warned that the no restriction phase will change dramatically when I advance to normal food at week 6.  I was very happy to hear that :)

So thank you to those that reached out with encouragement and those who shared their personal experiences.  Just goes to show how individual we all are in our experiences.

on 12/9/15 4:43 am - Nortonville, KY

I had surgery in dec 2010 so I am 5 years out every one is different don't matter if we all had the same surgery we are different  dr tell everyone of different things  I could and can eat everything I want  I can eat a lot of sweet does not bother me but everyone I have talk to say they can't so ok but you and I and everyone has a limit you have not found it yet I can remember the first time I ate to much I got the belches and then I got the foaminess that is what I call it it is like you got gunk in you mouth it comes out foam it is a awful  so just take it slow take small bites wait  then take another  by going slow you will get full  and as far as hair falling out I did loose some but it did not fall out in clumps it just got a little thinner  even now I can not eat a whole hamburger I will eat half and then wait a while and eat the rest I have a hard time getting all my protein in I do not eat a lot of meat so I eat cheese peanut butter yogurt   but you have to do what you can  so this work for you  you understand  what need to happen that is why you had the surgery so take care of your self and you can listen to everyone stories  of what they do and try it if it works that is good and if not try something else



on 12/9/15 5:42 pm

I read your question and all the answers from this group. 

I had VSG in Oct 2011. Since the surgery, I have not been able to eat mort than the equivalent of a cup of food at a time. Even now. 

Use this group as a support system. Take the advice that is given. We have all been there. At this point , 3 weeks, you should be feeling some discomfort if you put too much into the pouch. 2 cups of anything is too much! I still have problems getting in my fluid every day. 

I don't understand how you can even tolerate chili nor, even puréed! If your surgeon works with a nutritionist, try to meet with that person for some guidance. Unless you cut the amount of food you eat, you will not lose weight.

on 12/9/15 7:37 pm

I am 5 years out and I can tell you that it is not normal to be able to eat whatever you want. I recommend going back to dr immediately. 
