Surgery date set...excited and nervous!

on 12/3/15 6:58 pm

My surgery for gastric sleeve has been set for the end of the month. My family supports me but I have several friends tell me I am going to die and it is to dangerous. I know looking at the statistics there is a low probability rate, but it is still unsettling. I am still dedicated with going through with it. It is frustrating people are trying to scare me....

on 12/3/15 8:36 pm
WLS on 12/21/15

What is your surgery date? Mine is 12/21/15. I have heard some bizarre things also but my family 100% supports me. I am not going to reveal it to anyone else until after it has taken place.

White Dove
on 12/4/15 1:25 am - Warren, OH

Hi Jason,

I had surgery on a Tuesday and got home on Thursday.  On Thursday I called my mom, family members and friends and told then that I had had the surgery.

I sort of beat them out of getting to tell me how dangerous it was.  My sister-in-law said she had to see for herself that I was OK.  When she came over and found me dressed and doing housework, she got over her own fear of the surgery.

The following Monday she called and made an appointment and had her surgery the following summer.

She told me that she expected me to be in bed, weak and sick for months and when she saw how easy it had been she could  not wait to start her own new life.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 12/5/15 4:06 am

Just had my RNY on September 24, 20015 still having trouble eating any advice you could give me of foods to try. 

on 12/4/15 2:38 am

I just had my surgery the Monday before Thanksgiving and went home the following Wednesday. Surgery went great and I had no complications.  The more compliant you are with the doctor's recommendations the better you will do.  Unfortunately not everyone is supportive of us going through this surgery.  I think a lot of it is they are afraid of how their relationship with you might change.  Don't let them scare you Jason, LOTS of us go through this with no problems at all.  I am doing good postop and have only had a few bad days.  I am up and around every single day and losing weight pretty fast now.  I will keep you in my prayers.  I'm sure all will go well.  Don't let them discourage you. 


on 12/4/15 5:22 am

Mine is on the 15th. Your friends really shouldn't be telling you that you are going to die. There is a very remote chance with any surgery so you do need to be prepared for that though.

The main thing is that you are prepared mentally for the surgery, what to expect after, and know that you will still need to make proper food choices for the rest of your life. I think if you stay on plan and stick to it, you will lose the weight, but it will still never be 'easy' like naturally thin people have it. Food, exercise and those choices will always be there regardless.






HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/15 6:36 am

Good luck!

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/15 5:50 am

Sorry people are scaring you. No idea of your age but the surgery is far safer than it was years ago which if your friends are older they might be remembering. Perhaps if they say more you should tell them that your chances of dying from complications of being overweight are far greater than your chances of dying due to surgery. I am sure your Dr would not be doing this if he was not confident you would be fine. Good luck.

(deactivated member)
on 12/4/15 6:34 am

Okay, try this approach. Your friends are not trying to scare you, they are most likely scared for you. It's what good friends do, they mess with you about things that worry them.

My RNY was performed by a robotic machine, that my dr. was controlling from the next room. Just before my surgery, he comes over to me table and says " lets hope there's no malfunctions like last week, smiles, and the SOB walked out of the room.

The worst part of recovery for me was the device they implant into your know, and leaving it in for 24 hours to drain your pee. I actually told my nurse that either she was taking it out, or I was.

The point is, it's not going to be pleasant being in recovery for a day or so, but please remember this. THE SURGERY IS ONLY THE BEGINNING! What follows must be a lifetime of maintenance, exercise, movement, and diligence. Then you will start seeing the scale move.

Keep us informed, it helps others to see your success through this. GOOD LUCK. 

on 12/5/15 4:03 am

How long ago was our RN-Y I had mine September 24. Hows it going  anything advice you can give me.
