
on 11/18/15 8:52 am, edited 11/18/15 9:23 am - Indianapolis, IN
RNY on 12/04/15

I know this is silly, my pre-op testing will take place on Friday and I'm nervous as hell about it the whole thing!  However, I think what has me the most un-nerved is the upper GI. I never have had one of these tests so I don't have any previous experience with it.  I hate the thought of having to drink the "stuff" for the test.

67 yrs old, 4'10", BMI 31.8 (51.8 at start), HW 256.4 (8/4/15), SW 217.4, CW 152.8 (4/30/18), GW 125.0, RNY 12/4/15 Dr. RoseMarie Jones, Breast Cancer DX 2/16, Bi-lateral mastectomy 8/9/16.

on 11/18/15 8:58 am - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

You're right to hate the thought-- the stuff is gross. Like drinking liquefied chalk- blech. It made my stomach really upset for the remainder of the afternoon too. But I'm here to tell the tale and you will be too. You'll just be telling it from a much thinner body :-)




5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

on 11/18/15 9:02 am - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

Oh- and don;t eat the night before the Upper GI. Somehow I missed that instruction and had to reschedule it!

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

Mary Gee
on 11/18/15 9:04 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

I didn't have to have an upper GI (thank goodness!).  I do understand the "stuff" and its effects are miserable - not something I want to experience.  I do have to schedule a colonoscopy, and I keep putting it off......

Everyone gets's the norm.  But, we have to do what they tell us to it or not. And in the end, it will be well worth it.  WLS has changed my life.  I'm 64, had surgery last year.  I am able to do things I haven't done in years.

Soon, the surgery will be behind you and you'll be on the Losers' Bench.  Keep reading and keep posting - the more you learn, the better you'll feel.

Best of luck to you.



 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








on 11/18/15 9:11 am - FL
RNY on 12/15/15

I had not had a previous upper GI test either. Mine went fine. The barium is not the most pleasant thing to ingest, but its not unbearable. A little TMI, just in case you are not informed, your poop after will be white until you are rid of all of the barium.

(deactivated member)
on 11/18/15 10:21 am

The unknown is always nerve-wracking and there's nothing we can say to make it better.  Just try to find things that comfort you have them a book or do a word search, anything to change your thinking pattern for a while as needed.  Good luck!

on 11/19/15 11:04 am
VSG on 10/26/15

I didn't have to do the Upper GI but I ended up having to have the scope done, which I WORRIED about too and it was NOTHING!  So easy, so fast, and I got a day off work due to the anesthesia!  LOL  Now, the day after surgery we did have to do a barium swallow to make sure there was no leaks, and yes, it didn't taste good... but I survived it, and all was well.  I am an immense worrier as well, but all I can say to you is, TRY to be mellow.  It is only best for you!  Good luck and I am sending calming vibes for you!

HW: 299   SW: 277.2   VSG: 10-26-2015  Dr. Brian Gluck
Dr Goal Weight : 182.5 Hit Dr Goal 7-23-16
New Goal Weight: 170
