Shapewear advice? (Xposted to RNY forum)
Revision on 03/29/17
Don't laugh but I wear 3 shape wear garments daily: High waist panty girdle (sits right under my bra), FLEXEES shaping camisole with my own bra and finally a FLEXEES seamless camisole over it all. Remember not to purchase too small or the garments will roll up.
I purchased the FLEXEES from Walmart--both under $20 and the high waist panty girdle from JC Penney. Take a look on-line or head to the stores.
I never leave leave the house without my shape wear on!

What a pretty dress! I'm sure you'll look stunning in it.
I wear shapewear a lot, and here are some tips I've found that work for me:
- Shapewear cami's tend to roll up on me; I do buy them small because, shapewear! (Plus, I AM small, heehee!)
- The under-boob style lets you wear your own bra and avoid that always stylish uniboob look; shapewear that covers my girls (old ladies actually) smash those little flappy dog-ears together.
- The kind with hook-and-eye in the crotch works the best for me, keeps from rolling up and stays in place. If you need smoothing for your saddlebags you can wear a shortie style with it (like Tina Faye did on David Letterman, look it up on You Tube). In my case, I don't wear leg shapewear because it would create a roll all its own at the bottom of the garment, since I have a lot of drapery from the knee up.
- Speaking of rolls, there are styles with full backs (in other words, that don't end at the bra but go a lot further up). I prefer these because they minimize the back roll.
- Cost be damned! This is your LOOK we're talking about!
Yeeps, I could go on for days about shapewear - the new underworld, as someone said, LOL!