Heart flutters

on 11/15/15 10:29 pm

The SOB stood out.

on 11/16/15 9:27 pm

You are very blessed to have 2 Dr's so closely connected taking care of you. It should be easy to get you seen if you need to go to Cardio... :-)

on 11/27/15 2:52 pm - Vancouver, WA

That's what they told me for years until I had them on the way to the hospital and another in the ER and it was a-fib and I was put on the proper medication. Haven't had them since! You can't mess around with your heart, you only have one and it is very delicate!

on 11/16/15 9:24 pm

Get it checked out!

you need electrolyte levels, magnesium levels and potassium, sodium, minimum.

If any of these are low, it will cause major cardiac issues.  If i remember right you are several years post op... your base minerals may be low. I have constant issues with magnesium and potassium, being low, and the problems started after I was 5 year.s.. one dose of 1000mg magnesium and a serving of potassium salt (no salt) would be My guess. BUT YOU NEED TO KNOW! they may want to do a 24or 72 hr,cardiac monitor on you... it could be oh so many things.

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