IBS eating post surgery

(deactivated member)
on 11/11/15 5:49 am

My IBS used to be so bad I would lay in bed and want to cry. If they had said lets take all your intestines out with no anethesia I'd have said do it! The meds affected my eyesight. They don't discriminate in which muscles they relax. For me the answer is a continual flow of fiber through the body.  I do not take laxative size doses just make sure I take it in all day. Coffee gets benefiber in it, breakfast will include a tablespoon of some type of high fiber cereal, salad will have a some flax seeds on it and dinner will include some high fiber veggie. I used to follow a diet called the F-Plan . It gives you listing of fiber content for lots of foods, recipes for you own high fiber cereal etc and I was pretty used to that. No idea if this is of any help to you but I have not had an episode since surgery (put fiber in my protein shakes as well). Good luck. IBS definitely ranks as EVIL.

on 11/15/15 11:54 pm


    ADD  probiotics, One that has several different kinds,.. to re-balance the flora in your intestines. This will also boost your immunity.

Vitamin c, someone mentioned 2000mg. that sounds like enough to help. 

When my guts are "acting up" I also drink cold liquids, specifically very cold water.  AND avoid all artificial sweeteners.I don't eat until my stomach signals I am hungry, and then I proceed with caution.. and balance that first meal half protein and half carb.

If you need something sweet in your tea try that new organic stevia granules  PYURE brand..... It's the best thing since fried apple pies! Even my husband likes it.! 

When intestines act up... the key is to do what soothes them.Chamomile tea is soothing to the intestine, if you like it, a little honey or ginger can help as well added to it. I like spearmint  leaves in mine...the honey has an anti-infective property, but keep the amount low, 1 tsp per cup, and only one a day..If you have not eaten in 8 or 10 hours, the energy from even this small amount can help.

This is when I use mostly liquid proteins. when I break my liquids,  I choose something that goes down easily. Everyone is different and our bodies adjust diferently, even to the same surgery... Chicken is very hard for me to digest, however very lean pork loin, shredded with a teaspoon  of gravy to moisten goes down well..(I make my own, lite version)

 You need some carbs to utilize the protein. I love potatoes, but they do not digest well.

Find something that usually... does digest well ... and is not gas inducing or irritating to you. 

   IDEAS:maybe  an ounce  or two of fruit...like  part of a  baked apple with cinnamon ..spray with pam to get cinnamon/splenda to stick to it..

   or a couple slices of  peaches., canned in their own juice. fruit needs to be non-acidic .keep the serving size to no more than 2 ounces. another choice could be  a slice of healthy life bread/ 35 calories... If you don't have it, 1/2 slice of regular bread has 35 calories, generally.

Meat should be an equal portion, make sure you chew it especially well. Take your time and enjoy your meal.
