How do you cook for others after you have WLS?

on 11/8/15 4:42 pm

You ask if you will find it challenging to prepare meals for HIM. Prepare meals for YOURSELF, and add a few veggies for HIM. Avoid preparing carb-heavy things, because yes, you will be tempted, but trust me, he'll be better off eating the same way you need to.

Gwen M.
on 11/8/15 7:08 pm
VSG on 03/13/14

I am the food cooker in the house.  I also buy the food.  And I plan meals.  

I pretty much cook what I can eat.  And my family eats what I cook.  So it's pretty easy.  I will make rice or pasta or potatoes, or whatever, to go along with whatever protein-heavy dish I've made.  I also deconstruct casserole-type dishes so that the carb is separate.  My partners can get whatever they want when they're out or when we go out, but in the house, they eat what I cook.  (They could also grocery shop and cook their own food if they wanted to... they don't.)  

So their eating habits have changed, but not in any drastic way.  

The only outlier was the time I was on liquids.  I stocked the freezer before my pre-op diet started and I did not coo****il I out of liquids and on to the pureed stage.  

VSG with Dr. Salameh - 3/13/2014
Diagnosed with Binge Eating Disorder and started Vyvanse - 7/22/2016
Reconstructive Surgeries with Dr. Michaels - 6/5/2017 (LBL & brachioplasty), 8/14/2017 (UBL & mastopexy), 11/6/2017 (medial leg lift)

Age 42 Height 5'4" HW 319 (1/3/2014) SW 293 (3/13/2014) CW 149 (7/16/2017)
Next Goal 145 - normal BMI | Total Weight Lost 170

TrendWeight | Food Blog (sort of functional) | Journal (down for maintenance)

Valerie G.
on 11/9/15 6:22 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

I fed my family like I fed myself - but my portions were smaller.

Instead of a starch and a veggie with the meat, I swapped for two veggies.  They splurged when we went out to eat.  

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 11/9/15 6:35 am - Rockland, Canada

It can be difficult to balance. I based the meals I cook for my family on what I can eat. Those choices are the core. Usually everyone likes most of it anyways, then I add in what the rest of the family wants, like potatoes, but I make only enough for them, no more. It gets easier as you get into a routine.

I also buy the trigger foods in small quantities, like 1-2 baking potatoes or small amount of bulk rice or a single package of pasta at one time. and I find they last. I save the "club packs" for protein.

We also have a rule. Any ice cream or sweets must be kept in the storage in the garage. I even successfully navigated Halloween without a single treat by sticking to the rule.

It is also important that they be supportive. I had family who said aw come on, one little bite won't hurt you and I caved. One little bite became two then three, then regular then a habit and I regained.


good luck!

RNY 2011/07/26 HW 338; SW 301; LW 199; Starting over weight 255; CW 212; GOAL #1 lose regain back to 199 lbs!

on 11/9/15 1:57 pm
RNY on 08/04/15

I am a lazy cook.  I made my husband a double size lasagna w/beef and all the regular ingredients.  I made myself 2 small 8x9 pans of lasagna w/zuchinni strips for noodles and ground turkey. (I froze one of the 8x9 pans).  He will eat his 12x18 pan before I finish my 8x9 pan.  This usually lasts a week.  Last week I made beef stew and I picked out the potatoes from my portions.  We eat fish and seafood together.  Either he or I will make him brown rice.  I make meatloaf w/oatmeal.  He makes his own pan of mashed potatoes.  He keeps dessert out in his car and unfortunately, he eats it out in the garage so I don't have to see him.  Sweets are my area of concern.  I rarely ate potatoes before surgery if they were not french fries.   We do not buy ice cream.  He has to drive to the store and order a hot fudge sundae by himself--and I don't want to know when he goes.

Age 61 5'4" Consult-6/2/15: 238 SW-8/4/15: 210 CW:145 (6/30/18) M1-16#, M2-17#, M3-14#, M4-10#, M5-6#, M6-5#, M7-1#, M8 -3# Range 133-138 DexaScan 4/16/17 19% body fat---- 2016 wt avg 142-146, 2017, wt. avg 132-136, 2018 avg weight 144-146 bounce back is real.

GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 11/9/15 3:57 pm - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

If my husband doesn't like what I make, then he's on his own to fix something he likes.  And it's okay with him.  He doesn't like the way I prepare vegetables - he prefers his out of a can  - so I make extra and eat them during the week.  If we go out, I offer him anything I haven't eaten off my plate.  Unfortunately, he's gained weight since I've had surgery so now he tends to turn down my offer.  I package the food up and take it home.

The best part is that when I cook something like steaks, I eat half of mine, then take it to work the next day for lunch.  Leftovers are my best friend.

Prior to surgery, we ate a lot of pasta and carb heavy foods.  None of that sort of thing is even in the house anymore.  It's all about the proteins, vegetables and a little fruit now.  I rarely eat processed foods now, but he keeps some things around as snacks.  I'm not really tempted by them because they just taste gross to me now.

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

on 11/11/15 5:34 pm

I cook almost every night.

The hardest part was to before surgery one pound of pasta for the 2 of us was the norm, now i cook half a pound & have leftovers . 

1 chicken thigh is sufficient to fill me up . my husband was not over weight & had better control over what he ate, whereas I didn't.

I am 4 years out & down 200 pound-from a size 23 to a size 10. The fear of putting any weight back on keeps me from over eating plus it is so uncomfortable, to the point of feeling sick.

there are many things that I loved but can't tolerate now.

It was well worth it & i would do it over again in a heartbeat.

Good luck.



on 11/15/15 1:40 pm

Cook  the things you have always fixed for him, but slowly make those meals more healthy, by using healthy fats and less, and natural sugar replacements.

  Try to give him healthy things that you can eat as well, frozen veggies do work well, and if they are mushy it is because they are overcooked  and/or thawed and re-frozen. I must cook mine to that point, but I remove my hubby's and finish cooking mine for another 3-5 min.. depending on which veggie...

    ..I just found organic stevia granules, they are wonderful, and the volume to sweeten is said to be one half or less than that of sugar, so volume adjustments will need to be made when using in cakes / pies/ deserts...from experience I would say to add it to a 3/4cup volume of water with a tablespoon of cornstarch, and the stevia needed for sweetness...(would start with three tablespoons, then check sweetness) to replace one cup of sugar in a recipe...
