Going to surgeon tomorrow and begging for help!!

on 11/2/15 3:17 pm
RNY on 08/07/15

I am 3 months out. I was doing great. Then......... My daughter had friends over. I treated them to junk!! I shouldn't have but she has been so good right along with me. Still no reason to give them junk I know. Chips, ice cream and Halloween candy. Well I did not hit the ice cream. But I tried a handful of chips. Well, they didn't make be sick so I had another hAndful, and another. Then I tried a mini Milky Way. That didn't make me sick either. So today I had Swedish fish. I feel like crap! Not physically sick, but emotionally I feel like a failure!!! I have that addiction back, I broke it once before surgery and now it's back. It's like heroin!!! Once in my system I cant seem to kick it. I need help!! I had a stressful day and I attacked the Apple slices but dipped them in peanut butter!!!! I have a follow up with my surgeon tomorrow thank god! I will be asking for help! I didn't do this surgery just to give up, but it's more than I can handle right now! I need help!!! Seriously!!! Sad, overwhelmed, and upset with myself!!! I can't believe it!! The next few days are gonna kill me but I am going cold turkey again. I've gotta get control of this addiction.

Jenn 77 p

GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 11/2/15 3:35 pm - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

Sounds to me like you're an emotional eater. So am I, in addition to be a compulsive binge eater.

At three months post surgery, it's too early to start letting your previous behaviors take control. I recommend that you seek some type of support for your eating disorder, whether it's attending support group meetings, Overeaters Anonymous or a therapist. Your eating disorder will not disappear magically when you have WLS. Trust me, I know.

Having a support system as part of your WLS team is extremely important. The sooner you address the underlying issues, the better off you'll be. I recently starting seeing a therapist to address my issues because they won't go away.

Use this precious time after surgery to maximize your weight loss. It only gets harder down the road. Good luck!

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

on 11/2/15 3:39 pm - Syracuse, NY
VSG on 09/23/14

We all have these moments. Hold yourself accountable and get back on the horse!! I don't know what stage you are at but I picked celery as my go to. Now I use celery and carrots....nobody ever got chubby from eating too many of those. Just buckle down. The rewards are enormous!!

Todays purchases: 35/30 corduroy pants!, two 16.5/35 shirts!, two new neck ties....don't have to ties them three times to get the length not mid stomach!



CerealKiller Kat71
on 11/2/15 3:51 pm
RNY on 12/31/13

I can read the desperation in your post, and I want you to know that you aren't alone in these feelings. I am a food addict, too. I also feel out of control once I start and I know all too well the feelings of being overwhelmed and out of control. You are right to compare it to heroin. Food, and especially sugar, is a drug.

I know you saw my post to another poster in the RNY board as I saw that you responded to her too. I cannot express enough how important it is to get some help now -- while you are still in your precious honeymoon period. There is definitely hope and recovery out there.

Hugs to you. You can do this.

"What you eat in private, you wear in public." --- Kat

on 11/2/15 5:13 pm

Give yourself a break. You are in this for the long haul. I just got on here to check out the newbies and pass on some wisdom. I had bypass in 2004. I weighed over 500 pounds at one time. I have lost 350 pounds and kept it off. I have had all the skin removed I intend to. I took a fall a couple a months back and crushed my pelvis so I am on bed rest and bored as hell. So, I am looking for stuff to do besides watch old House reruns.

What's an old nurse supposed to do. I am here to help anyone who needs a boost. As for a binge here and there you will have them. You are human. Guess what ? Skinny people do it too. Get back on that horse and ride it. You'll be fine. Sorry, you will always think you need to drop another 50 pounds. I wear a size 8 jeans and I am nearly 6 feet tall, still think I should lose 50 more pounds.

on 11/3/15 5:20 am - Philadelphia, PA
RNY on 04/28/15

I'm curious, what do you think your surgeon will be able to help you with that he hasn't already done? He's given you the means, the rest is up to you. Seems like a conversation with a nutritionist or therapist would be more beneficial.

You got past it once, you can do it again. Starting is the hardest part, but you've done this. Time to reapply all that you know.

5'6.5" High weight:337 Lowest weight:193/31 BMI: Goal: 195-205/31-32 BMI

on 11/3/15 8:46 am

Hi Jenn - I have a lot of empathy for you because I have felt the way you do many times in the past before I had surgery. As others have said, forgive yourself if you can. You made some choices and decisions that dont line up with what you know to be best for you. There's nothing you can do to change the past - now you can only look to the future and to helping yourself.

I ind that treating myself with kindness and compassion is better than when I immerse myself in shame. There is no light in shame only pain. I would recommend that you read this book: The Emotional First Aid Kit: A Practical Guide to Life After Bariatric Surgery by Cynthia Alexander. It helped me to get my head around what I need to do on a daily basis.

You're going to have more stressful days but you can succeed in finding healthy ways to deal with them. Take a deep breath, make note of how panicked and horrified you feel right now and then move on. In the future when you're faced with stress or opportunities to eat things that dont provide you much nutrition, think about how you felt right in this moment. Hopefully you will know that it isnt worth it or you will have developed other coping skills. Wishing you the best.

on 11/4/15 3:17 pm
RNY on 08/07/15

I seen me surgeon. All in all she is happy with my progress. My iron level was extremely low and I was dehydrated. I admitted to the poor snacking choices. Stress eating. I have a call out to the therapist to help me find my coping skills. I've returned to working out, and drinking my water. Wow, how easy it to fall off the wagon. However I'm getting back on track. Thanks for all the support and advice.

Jenn 77 p

on 11/7/15 5:54 pm

Well, the peanut butter was probably a better choice than the apple slices. Certainly had more protein.

THROW AWAY THE JUNK. If it's not in the house, then you can't eat it. The ONLy way to break a sugar craving is to stop eating sugar, or really any simple, white carbs.
