protein go toos and HELP falling off :(

on 11/5/15 4:27 am
WLS on 09/14/15

So i had my surgery on 9/14/15 I was doing so good and then fell off and I am only supposed to be in moist foods. Monday starts my chopped foods. But I eat what ever just chew chew chew.

I am a person that has to have something sweet after my meals I just started again about 2 weeks ago. I also have been eating out, but when I do I will getr chivken or grilled shrimp, egg fo young( eggs and chicken.

I had a lot of control and now I still have some but not like before. I have someone that lives with me that likes to eat out and he has stopped going out a lot but still does, but he loves sweets and there is so much in front of me. I think I do pretty good but I need my control back.

I did this surgery for my health. I have yet to get to the gym. I do feel more energy but I have no motivation for the gym. I just signed up for Barre and Power class at work hoping that will get me going.

I am new to this page and I know Im going on and on but I need help.

I had the sleeve and I was 221 on day of surgery and i am now only 201. lost 20lbs but now I keep stalling and very slow weight loss.

I wanted to also know whats a good medium for something sweet after foof even if its just a taste it helps a lot.

and I need examples for protein go toos because I am always running. Eggs dont do well in my tummy I can eat them but I dont feel good after but I get over it. Tuna I use mayo. Chicken is my go to but I am very short on easy recpies.

Please help

I am getting frustrated and I dont want to fall back into my old me.

White Dove
on 11/5/15 6:01 am - Warren, OH

All I can say is to use the My Fitness Pal app and track everything you eat or drink.  Then look at the results and see what you believe is worth eating.  I gave up flour, sugar, potatoes, bread, rice, cereal, bread, and all sweets.  If I have to have dessert then I make a dessert recipe from a low carb site and have that instead of a meal.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 11/5/15 6:32 am - Sunny Southern, CA

As for food recipes, ideas you are welcome to check out my blog (9 years of recipes, including healthified sweet treats) or pinterest page but...

you probably want to also make an appointment with your Dr and see about a referral to a therapist... truly the hardest part of this journey (and it only gets harder the farther out you are) is the work you do above the neck. 

Best, ~Shelly

Weight Loss Surgery Friendly Recipes & Rambling

Tracy D.
on 11/5/15 7:54 am - Papillion, NE
VSG on 05/24/13

"I am a person that has to have something sweet after my meals I just started again about 2 weeks ago."

Please understand that I say this with as much kindness as possible:  you are setting yourself up for complete failure.  As long as you identify yourself as someone who HAS to have something sweet after meals, you are headed for failure.  And it doesn't matter if the sweet stuff is fruit or something more unhealthy.  The fact that you couldn't maintain and stay on your plan at two months post-op is a gigantic red flag that your head isn't in the game and you need other resources to help you.  

Break the habit NOW of eating something else once your meal is completed.  Change the script in your head and convince yourself that you are a person who completed a meal and doesn't eat again until the next planned meal.  

Track your food, pre-plan what you will be eating at each meal, get to a therapist and try some Overeater's Anonymous meetings.  

 Tracy  5'3"     HW: 235  SW: 218  CW: 132    M1: -22  M2: -13  M3: -12  M4: -9  M5: -8   M6: -10   M7: -4

 Goal reached in 7 months and 1 week

 Lower Body Lift w/Dr. Barnthouse 7-8-15



















































on 11/6/15 5:10 am
WLS on 09/14/15

I am not setting my self up for failure. Thats why I have support. People have there ups and downs and this is why I came here for support and recipe examples and protein on the go snack ideas. when you get the surgery your not getting brain surgery to change mentally all the way you do what you have to to be healthy but a lot of healthy people have snacks. if you take everything enjoyable out you will FAIL.


I have a good mind set and with all respect. I am here for support not people telling me I amd going to fail




on 11/7/15 5:31 pm

Yes, healthy people have snacks sometimes. But if you really, truly think you have to have something sweet every time you finish a meal, you've giving food too much power over you.

Here's my philosophy---if you track every single bite that goes in your mouth, and you can eat your sweets and still keep your carbs below 50 grams a day, or however many carbs YOU have to stay under in order to eat, then go for it. But it's very, VERY easy to let one bite turn into two, especially if you're not tracking your food carefully.

Also, please keep in mind that true support sometimes means telling you things you don't want to hear. It's not really negative when someone tells you you may be making a BIG mistake.

on 11/6/15 5:21 am
WLS on 09/14/15

I just wanted to say thanks for they reply and i know you ment kindness but I dont like the word failure.... because I am not

Thanks again

on 11/5/15 9:22 am
VSG on 12/04/14

I totally agree with Tracy, try and break that habit now. We've been blessed with an amazing tool to help us get healthy again. If I need something sweet I grab a protein bar or I go for my protein shake. My favorite protein bar was a Quest bar but they've changed so I switched over to ONE bars. Only 3 grams of carbs and 22 grams Protein and WAY better tasting than Quest. I LOVE peanut butter and cookies and cream. But, I only have them if I get a craving, which isn't too often. Also, look at eggface's website, she's got tons of good protein ideas! Good luck.



(deactivated member)
on 11/5/15 11:19 am - CA

It is great that you are reaching out for help on this.  We are all here for support and this is just part of the journey.   I agree with everyone that has offered suggestions and support here.   With that being said, here is what I have done.   I am 14 years post op.  I too like to have something sweet once in a while and I try to focus on the sugar free recipes that are in abundance on this site and other blogs.   My favorite that I make pretty much on a monthly basis is protein pudding.   I specifically make chocolate, so that I can satisfy that craving.  However, I have also made other flavors for desserts and sugar free recipes.     There are so many other options for sugar free recipes to satisfy your need.I use Premier Protein and Unjury both to make my sugar free pudding and other recipes.  

For other protein options for meals, I use hummus a lot.  I love boiled eggs and red bell peppers with hummus for breakfast.  I use a lot of turkey as well.  Tuna and Chicken are great, but can be limiting.  You really just have to find some recipes that you can adapt with healthier lean meats and go with them.   Meal planning and prepping is also a good tool to use, to allow you to plan your meals and stick to them.   

Don't give up and don't give in to your old habits.  We are all here to help support you!  



on 11/6/15 5:26 am
WLS on 09/14/15

Thank you.

Do you have the chocolate recipe and I use the premier shake and I have the powder also.

I like chicken and I get lunch meat form Sams castle something. eggs and ify with me and i used to love them

a lot of the stuff I had to eat 2 weeks before and 3 weeks after like applesauce, jello, pudding, broth, soups etc I can not eat anymore. maybe later but I had it to much suring that time I just cant do it.


Thanks for the support
