Frustrated and dont know what to do

(deactivated member)
on 10/25/15 2:06 pm

I am so frustrated all I can do is cry today. I heard it's normal that you can have a stall after 6 weeks which I did. I went from dropping 48lbs to it just trickling off. Now, not only am I not losing but ive gained 3lbs. I am weighing everything that goes into my mouth, I keep my carbs low, I dont do sugars (every once in a while a small apple). I gave my food journal to my nutritionist and she said she doesnt see my food as being a problem. I am going out walking every day, drinking my water like im supposed to, getting my 65 grams of protein. WHY AM I GAINGING?!?! I thought the first 6 months were supposed to be the best. Is this normal? Did it happen to any of you? I feel like why did I go through all of this if im going to start gaining again?

on 10/25/15 3:20 pm - Syracuse, NY
VSG on 09/23/14

I know its frustrating but stay on plan and you will do fine. My progress early on was it dropped off like crazy, then I started to see my losses go in steps, by that I mean I would fluctuate for 5-6 days then boom, drop 2-3 pounds in one day. Just stick with it and you will be fine.



(deactivated member)
on 10/25/15 5:11 pm

Thank you for your sweet words of support :)

on 10/25/15 4:01 pm

Did you happen to weigh yourself daily before surgery? If so, you would have noticed fluctuations are normal. Eating too much processed or salty foods, being premenstrual, bloating or constipation...these are all reasons your weight can temporarily increase. If you are following your plan, the weight will come off. Maybe you should just weigh once a week to alleviate some of your anxiety.

RNY, 8/1/2011
HW: 348          SW: 306          CW:-fighting regain
    GW: 140

He who endures, conquers. ~Persius

(deactivated member)
on 10/25/15 5:15 pm

No actually, the scale was my worst enemy and its starting to feel like it again LOL. I can deal with staying the same but seeing gain KILLS me! I think one of the issues is when I was weighing as well. I was only able to weigh at my grandparents house and usually in the afternoons. I went today and bought a scale so I will be weighing at home (and yes only once a week!) hehe. That way I can weigh in the morning when I first get up and get a more accurate reading. I try not to eat over processed foods, mostly meat, raw veggies, some light and fit greek yogurt, string cheese once in a while. But Im just going to put my faith in God and keep pushing forward. Thank you for all of your advice and kind words.

on 10/25/15 4:59 pm
VSG on 09/26/14

I recommend to either cut back on calories or up the exercise even more. Also, upping the water will help. And really analyze what your eating, keep carbs to a bare minimum and limit snacking to only once every never.

HW: 450
SW: 428 9/26/14
Reached 'normal' BMI (24.9) with a weight of 199.9: 2/5/2016


(deactivated member)
on 10/25/15 5:10 pm

That's the thing I average 800 or less during the day (which my nutritionist recommended****ep a close eye on my carbs and I don't snack at all. I eat 3 meals a day and if I need to make up my protein count I drink a protein shake. Im just at a loss

on 10/25/15 10:36 pm

Boost your protein, omit fruit. carbs help with protein utilization, keep them low, but they are necessary.

.Stay the plan.vary your exercise and calorie count up 100 then down 150, back up so...keeps your metabolism from sticking in a rut for some people.

Keeping a very close diary will help you pin point what works for you, next time this happens you will know how to handle it.

Stop stress! It keeps your cortizol levels up and prevents wt loss.

T Hagalicious Rebel

on 10/25/15 5:23 pm - Brooklyn
VSG on 04/25/14

Fluctuations are normal. Did you recently change or up your exercise routine? It could be water weight. If you kept everything the same it's probably water weight changes. If I eat something salty I usually retain water, or I'll drop in size so although the scale won't show anything you are making progress, put the scale away for awhile & stop obsessing over the numbers. If you're staying on plan the weight will come off. You've got the best tool in your toolbox, as long as you keep workin it, it'll work for you.

Be patient, Rome wasn't built in a day.

No one surgery is better than the other, what works for one may not work for another. T-Rebel

(deactivated member)
on 10/25/15 7:55 pm

Ive actually increased my walking. I do feel like my clothes are fitting loser but I dont understand the gain. I guess I just have really high expectations for myself. Im joining the gym with my next paycheck, so hopefully that will get things going again. I really appreciate you taking the time to answer me and give me a little push.
