Had surgery in 2003 gaining weight again

Lisa B.
on 10/9/15 2:09 pm - Houston, TX

I had surgery in 2003 I was over 550 lbs and went down to 220, which is great but I feel not enough, I had my surgery in Mexico with a doctor I found here on this site, now my weight is going up again I'm back up to 288 and scared to death, Does anybody know where I can go for a revision?


on 10/9/15 2:27 pm - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
On October 9, 2015 at 9:09 PM Pacific Time, Lisa B. wrote:

I had surgery in 2003 I was over 550 lbs and went down to 220, which is great but I feel not enough, I had my surgery in Mexico with a doctor I found here on this site, now my weight is going up again I'm back up to 288 and scared to death, Does anybody know where I can go for a revision?

we meed more info. What surgery did u have? Are you eating on plan? Started eating carbs and liq calories? What does s daysenu look like for you.?

What makes you think you need a revision besides weight gain?

at this point weight gain becomes a result of what we are esting.




Lisa B.
on 10/9/15 2:55 pm - Houston, TX

I had the Roux n y and i pretty much eat everything, i need the revision because i use to get full on very little and not any more plus sugar doesn't get me sick like it use to..I am scared to death i can't gain weight again


on 10/9/15 3:17 pm - WI

Your stomach is supposed to get bigger after RNY. If it didn't, you would starve. If you are eating simple carbs like bread, crackers, pasta, chips, cookies, cakes, candy,or starchy foods like rice and potatoes, you are going to feel hungry, it will cause you to crave more, and you will be able to eat a TON of that kind of food. You need to get rid of these simple carbs. You will have to white knuckle it for a few weeks, but after you stop eating them, you stop craving them.

Relying on dumping syndrome is not the way to succeed. Only 30% of RNY patients get sick on sugar. You need to change everything about how you relate to food. We tend to use food as celebration, to stop boredom, to de-stress, etc. Food is just fuel for the body and nothing more. Doing the head stuff in this weight loss surgery journey is the hardest part. The surgery was never supposed to do all the work. No surgery will make you choose the right foods. You have to live by the WLS rules and make good choices forever. It's hard work, but you are worth the effort. Revisions are dangerous. Try to get on top of the problem by going back to basics before you go back under the knife. Maybe adding a therapist to your WLS team would be helpful.

There is probably nothing wrong with your pouch. You need to go back to the RNY basics and your restriction will likely improve. Eat dense protein like chicken breast, steak, or turkey and then non-starchy veggies. Restrict your fruit intake to one serving per day ( remember that one serving is 1/2 an apple). Fruit is read by the body as sugar and will slow or stop your weight loss. NO SIMPLE CARBS!!! Measure EVERYTHING you eat. Obese people do not have an accurate idea of what a proper portion size looks like. If I didn't measure out my portion and then stop eating I would over-eat and gain weight. Don't rely on your stomach to tell you to stop eating. Most of us have issues with food and have used the "full feeling" as an emotional crutch. Don't eat until you feel full. Train yourself to be satisfied with the portion you measure out.

Are you drinking with meals? If you are....STOP!!!! Drinking with your meals enables you to eat larger portions and is the prime reason people re-gain their weight after RNY. No drinking during a meal or for at least 30 minutes after.

Are you taking your vitamins? This is not optional... it is MANDATORY! You can become deficient very quickly. I would get a full set of labs done to make sure you are not missing any nutrients.

You can do this!!!!

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

Lisa B.
on 10/9/15 4:18 pm - Houston, TX

Thank you I will get back on track


on 10/9/15 6:16 pm

Good for you for reaching out. Getting back on track is hard but you can do it! You've done it before. i can't help with the surgery question but best of luck. )

Starting Weight:275 CW:189 SW:??  Goal:169

on 10/9/15 5:08 pm
On October 9, 2015 at 9:55 PM Pacific Time, Lisa B. wrote:

I had the Roux n y and i pretty much eat everything, i need the revision because i use to get full on very little and not any more plus sugar doesn't get me sick like it use to..I am scared to death i can't gain weight again

There is no revision that will take the place of following the rules of your present surgery. It's up to YOU to choose to not eat sugar, make good food choices, and to limit your portions.

IF you do limit your portions and make good food choices, but you're STILL gaining weight, then---perhaps you need a more aggressive surgery, one that makes a bigger change in your basic metabolism. Research a procedure called the Duodenal Switch. It's the Big Dog Daddy of WLS. (And the most successful at long-term, maintained weight loss.)

BUT---revising an RNY to a DS is THE most complicated form of revision, and only a handful of surgeons perform it. Even with a DS, you're still going to have to make wise food choices and follow some dietary rules.
