Gallbladder Problems without Pain on Right Side???
7 months out I have started getting some mild indigestion once or twice a day after meals. It feels like mild heartburn just below my throat mixed with an indigestion/slight nausea mid abdomen (above bellie button/below ribs). No pain on right, but an occasional non-painful "flutter" feeling below ribs on the left.
Any thoughts? Are gallbladder symptoms any different for RNY patients?

It is possible to have silent gall bladder attacks, in which there is no pain. If you have the bily/indigestion type feeling and take an Anatacid, but it does absolutely nothing to help... It may be gall bladder related.
The pain will come eventually. Remember the day you thought having WLS was the best thing you ever did (other than relationships, kids, etc.)? I consider it the 2nd best thing..... Getting my gallbladder removed is my all time #1 best idea ever. OMG it SUCKS worse than back labour, worse than kidney stones.
I never get taken seriously at the hospital when they ask me to rate my pain because I always say 6 or 7. I have learned to qualify that 9 is kidney stones, 10 is back labour and 23 is gall stones. LOL
If you are worried ask for an ultrasound. My tech looked at the screen and the quietly left the room I then heard " You gotta come see this she's 22 with multiple large gall stones I have no idea how her gallbladder hasn't ruptured! Then I heard a pitter patter of excited techs who invaded my room and ooh and ahhed over how cool my suffering was to them. It's hilarious now, but I wasn't impressed back then.
Good luck!
on 10/9/15 8:04 am
When my gallbladder went bad (years before WLS), I felt like I'd been punched right in the diaphragm. Can't say it's like you're feeling, but it wasn't on the right side either.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
My gallbladder was taken out pre-WLS. The pain was right side radiating through to the back. It was intense horrible pain...and I was throwing up constantly. Just like the other poster the surgeon said my gallbladder was so full of stones he was surprised it hadn't ruptured.
Just a few days before this I was completely fine. Who knew
I never, ever felt gallbladder pain in my stomach. Gallbladder pain tends to feel like the worst indigetion of your life and you might think you're having a heart attack. My pain was so bad that I hyperventilated and passed out
If you aren't on a PPI you should ask your doctor about getting on one. If that takes care of the problem then you know it's the culprit.
I always said Gallbladder pain is the worst thing I have been through. My gall bladder surgery was done at 15 weeks pregnant and I am so glad I chose it! The pain radiates through your chest and shoulders, around to your back. I never want to experience that again. So glad I wont! I threw up everything I ate. Being preggo thats no bueno. I didnt keep anything down all week but a can of green beans. So I called the surgeon. Best thing I could've done for me and my baby girl. I had the attacks before pregnancy and during, but they were sporadic. But that one week was hell.