I feel horrible

on 10/4/15 1:43 am

Hello everyone, first time here at the forum. I had gastric sleeve done on the 30th of September and this is the first night I spend at my home. Can I just say the pain is horrible? Granted I am not the least bit hungry, I am still very much in pain. For one my abdomen hurts, that is expected. In addition my chest hurts from breathing incorrectly (breathe from that diaphram or you will regret it). My upper back feels like it has needles and although drinking is far easier, it can still be a bubbly affair. I also have this wierd patch of akin on my fat hip that has turned a slight blue and it tougher to the touch. Finally, I did manage to get my period the day after surgery (yay me) and it was very light with most of it being blod clota.... (Is that TMI?). I guess what I came here to find out is when I am going to feel better.how many weeks till I can sleep through the night? I am taking crushed up dalaudid 2mg and I fell a bit better (not completely) an hour after I drink my meds but the last hour before I have to take another pill is horrendous. Where is the light at this tunnel of pain?

on 10/4/15 10:18 am

Call your surgeon's office and talk about increasing your level of meds. I was given Lortab (hydrocodeine w/ Tylenol) and instructed to use as needed for pain.

You also might want to post on the sleeve forum and see if there's someone that has more targeted info.

on 10/5/15 12:46 am

I had sleeve surgery on Aug 3 and stayed in the hospital for 2 nights also. I also had a hernia repair which was a 5 in*****ision by my belly button. I was on Oxycodon and took it for two weeks, only at night, after I came home. Make sure you have a pillow with you so you can hold your stomach when you have to cough. I sleep on my side and was able to do so, but I had a hospital bed at home. Many people sleep in recliners for the first couple of weeks so there isn't any pulling on the incisions. If you need a stronger dose of your pain meds, call your doctor. You will have to go to their office to pick up a prescription if it's considered a narcotic since they can't prescribe a narcotic over the phone. It will get better, honest!!

on 10/4/15 4:13 pm

Hi Melinda,

I just had surgery on September 28th and stayed in the hospital for 2 nights. I came home feeling some soreness, but was down to extra strength Tylenol for pain. Today is my 5th day home and I haven't taken a Tylenol since first thing this morning. I'm finding that because I'm sleeping on my back, in the same position all night, I'm waking up with muscle pain, but not surgery related pain. I'm a side sleeper and I also tend to switch from side to side several times throughout the night. So sleeping on my back is super painful on my lower back and shoulders. I also got my period the day after surgery...blah! I noticed some bruising around my incisions as well as a few scratches on my sides. Possibly from surgical instruments? I"m thinking your blue spot is just a bruise.

I think everything you're going through is normal, but if you're concerned I'd definitely call your surgeon's office or bariatric clinic.

Hope you're feeling better soon!

