hello! I'm new here

on 9/24/15 12:44 am, edited 9/24/15 12:46 am

Just wanted to introduce myself and make some friends and maybe establish some sort of support circle. Im Tiffany, I just went to Bariatric surgery orientation on September 18th 2015 And just set up the nutrition and mental health appointments and surgeon consultation yesterday. Ill be done with all of my appointments by dec, 1st 2015. In the orientation I was told that I have to be cigarette free for 90 days before surgery, so my quit date is 9/21/15. Ive been wanting to quit anyway and this is just something else to push me, even if I take one puff, the 90 days starts over again and I have to wait even longer for the surgery. So this is good motivation. Anyway, so im going to be either having RNY or the vertical sleeve. I'm not sure which is best for me yet, something to talk to the surgeon about I suppose. 

I keep day dreaming about what my future might look like after all of this and I keep giving myself butterflies lol I get nervous, I've thought about what it might feel like to be healthy and fit for so long and now I finally might have the help to make this dream a reality.. Its filling my mind with so many thoughts and possibilities =)

on 9/24/15 11:10 am

Hi, I am a newbie as well. My next step is one more visit with the nutritionist, then hopefully I get to meet the surgeon. I also have been thinking what it will be like after I reach my goal, I am focusing on all the positive things. Like more energy, less pain, a new wardrobe,yay!

i know it is going to be life changing, I still have doubts, but after reading a lot on this web site I think everyone had doubts at one point of their journey. I wish I could have it done tmrw. I am ready for the next phase of life to be a healthy one.

best of luck

on 9/24/15 12:24 pm

Oh my gosh, i honestly didn't even think about the fact that ill get a new wardrobe! lol that's going to be awesome. I'll finally get to wear what i want instead of what fits. This whole journey is going to be full of little surprises like that! i'm going to add you and maybe we can keep each other updated on how things are going with all of this

on 9/24/15 1:41 pm

Sounds good to me.

on 9/24/15 11:48 am
RNY on 03/01/16

I'm a newbie too. I've finished all of my nutritionist appointments and my Physical Therapy. I just did my psych eval about 2 weeks ago and now I am in a holding pattern until December when I get my blood work done. As of 1/3/16 the are submitting my paperwork to my insurance for approval. 

I also had to quit smoking. No cigarette since 5/22/15 when I had my consultation. I have only puffed on an e-cig a few times since then and feel like I have finally overcome that addiction. Now I am focusing on my sugar addiction so my detox, liquid diet won't be such a struggle. I've heard it's like going thru an intense withdrawal if you cut out all the crap later in your pre-surgery period.

I catch myself looking in the mirror more. I took my before pictures and just stare at them. Like I am saying goodbye to myself. It was a wake up call too because I honestly didn't realize how big I have gotten. Looking at myself from all these different angles is like a slap in the face. I can't believe what I have done to myself. But at the same time, I am saying goodbye to that person and dreaming of what I am going to look like post surgery.

I am looking at smaller clothes and shoes. I am imagining what my new style is going to look like since I have never been able to truly express myself thru my clothing. Its always been about what fit, not what I loved. I'm planning a whole makeover for after I've lost my first 100 lbs. New hair, new clothes, new life....I am just so excited. 

Congrats on joining the fight to save your life! I'm looking forward to the before and after pics! 


HW: 394 SW: 359 GW: 187


on 9/24/15 12:51 pm

Wow, congratulations on quitting cigarettes! I don't have too many cravings unless i'm drinking alcohol but I've decided to hold off on drinking for the time being. I want to lose as much weight as i can before the surgery.

That pre-op liquid diet doesn't sound fun at all but i guess we just gotta keep in mind that its going to be temporary and the results are going to be SO worth it. We've had our whole lives to eat like crap, now is our time to make up for it and get our bodies to the healthy condition it was always meant to be in.

The way you described looking in the mirror and saying goodbye to the soon-to-be old you made me think. You're right, we aren't going to look the same but we will always be the same on the inside. We're basically just matching the inside with the outside and the results are going to be life changing.

NEW CLOTHES. You're SO right about that! I haven't been able to dress in things that i think are cute or stylish in so long. I can't wait to be able to pick up clothes off of a rack and not be worried that they don't have my size. I know it's something so small and materialistic but I'm just excited about having choices! Ive been avoiding serious clothes shopping for maybe 10 years now. My wardrobe is embarrassing right now.. it makes me feel unfeminine and give me low self esteem. "new hair, new clothes, new life" is right!

I'm going to add you! We can keep each other updated on our weight loss adventures!

Brad Special

on 9/24/15 12:47 pm
VSG on 12/06/12

Hello and welcome. I just wanted to add you should research on your own about each surgery. Look up to the top next tot he MY OH and you will see a magnifying glass. That is the search bar. Search for RNY vs. Sleeve and you will find tons of information. That question gets asked a lot. 

on 9/24/15 12:52 pm

oh thank you! I'm very new to this sight so that helps out a lot! 

Brad Special

on 9/24/15 12:54 pm
VSG on 12/06/12

You are welcome that is the one thing many newbies don't know about. It can save you from asking a lot of questions and research at your own pace. 

on 9/24/15 3:14 pm
RNY on 07/05/16

I'm new here, too. I also keep fantasizing about my life post-op. I am at the heaviest I have ever been, and it's not flattering at all. I constantly feel self-conscious and anxious about my weight. I can't wait to fit into smaller clothes, too. I just hate having to worry about things that non-obese people don't have to worry about. For example, when I go to the movies, I worry if I will fit in the seats. I can't bare to go to an amusement park for fear of having to get off a roller coaster because the lap bar won't fasten. There are just too many things I worry about that I shouldn't have to worry about. I'm ready to do this! 


Good luck to you!
