Here's your B*TCHFest. Let's do this!
Ok good to hear. I am glad you are ready. Police are great but can not be there often for upwards of ten minutes or more depending on how rural some people live.
my new supervisor is an insecure, micromanaging, degrading ***** and i cannot stand to even look at her after this last week. she's been here for not even two months and everything we do is "stupid" or "i can't believe you do it that way" or "that doesn't make any sense". she makes me feel stupid and i KNOW i'm not, especially at the job i've been doing for 11 years, thank you very much.
i haven't been this close to full out breaking down crying at work since i was neck deep in PTSD three years ago. fuck, i hate it so hard. i just want to leave this department and go work for someone less negative.
i really wish i could drink.

VSG Mar 26, 2015 Dr. Sharadh Sampath -- 5'3" -- 47YO -- HW: 294 - SW: 261 - CW: 192 - GW: 175
Bi-lateral Brachioplasty May 8, 2017 Dr. Owen Reid
Lower Body Lift Oct 2, 2017 Dr. Owen Reid
"Weight is lost in kitchens, health is gained in gyms." - Dr. Yoni Freedhoff
After 3 years of going to my doctor for allergy medicine and it has nothing for me. I am currently on 4 prescription medicines and my allergies are barely manageable. In fact they have been getting worse. My ears have been getting all plugged up to the point I can barely hear out of my right ear and they are popping constantly. I have made the decision to go to a ENT....I hope he can help me...and my nose and ears. Damn freaking medical profession. They can do heart transplants BUT they can't figure out how to unplug my damn nose!!!
I just want to breath out of my nose...have no sinus pressure and have my ears clear again. Is this too much to ask for???
Sorry to hear that you are having so much trouble...My son suffered for many years with allergies...Everything they tried never helped...He finally got tired of it and went to a specialist...They did allergy testings on him which showed exactly what his trouble was...When ask what he was allergic to they said * when you look outside your front door,almost everything you see, he is allergic to*...Anything from dandilions, cottonwood seed, ragweed, flowers blooming, grass, sand, bushes, trees, and on and on...As far as in the house it showed that he was allergic to cat and dog hair, dust, mold and dust mites. We don't have pets which was one good thing for him....They started him on allergy shots weekly and within 2-3 weeks, he can now breathe much better, eyes aren't itching, and very seldom sneezes anymore...Big big improvement...They said that if someone is mowing outside to wear a face mask out to the car, and once he got back home that he should shower and put his clothes in the washer...Or else stay inside for 2 hours once they are done mowing...Also advised him to change his bed sheet and pillow slip 2-3 times a week...ALso wash his blankets/change them more often...There was foods to avoid during the summer/fall such as sunflower seeds, cucumbers, all melon and a few others...I hope that you are able to get some help soon.
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.
Work has been straight up unmanageable lately. I'm so stressed out all the time that I had to go back to taking xanax regularly just to keep from breaking down in panic attacks hourly. I'm a retail manager in a very popular greeting card shop (you know the one) and September is always the hardest month for us. Everything Christmas comes crashing down on us all day every day. Every day brings a mile long laubdry list of tasks to accomplish, 30 more boxe****ting my stock room which is filled to the gulls, and of course we have to be available to service customers at the same time. These stresses are par for the course in retail management, however this year the company decided to cut payroll budgets literally in half and eliminate all full time positions in stores aside from the store manager. And they've instead invested money in brand new fixtures, which we have to build like we got them from freaking ikea. In summary, we have way more to do and 30-40 hours less a week in labor than we usually do to accomplish these activities. Im working 6-7 days a week and 50-60 hours a week. I haven't lost any weight in almost 2 weeks and I know it's because I'm extremely stressed and exhausted, not sleeping enough, and forget about having energy or time to get to the gym.
I just need like 2 more of myself so I can take a nap once in a while.
I really get pissed when people on Facebook say rude things when they post something, but will include * LOL *...They think it makes it okay to be rude because they put LOL...Screw them !!!! Rude is rude...And I am sick & tired of people constantly complaining about their health, wanting attention and sympathy...They never seem to talk about anything positive...I myself have a lot of health issues but I don't expect or want sympathy...And then there's these people that are constantly putting their personal problems out there for all the world to see...Anything from my husband cheats on me, I have screaming diarrhea and puked on the floor, and blah blah blah... ...Seriously, don't they realize that there's a life out there besides Facebook...And *****ally wants to hear about their diarrhea issues? People are also wanting FB to provide us with * dislike* buttons along with the * like*...Ive already made it clear to a few, that if they are going to dislike everything that I post, then who needs them on my friends list...I realize its normal to not agree with everyone, but there are some that has to always dislike something, always having to be right, and that their opinion is always better...What does everyone else think about FB?... Please don't tell me that if I don't like FB to go elsewhere, because I do enjoy talking to my friends and making new friends...Am just tired of all the horse crap that goes on...Okay, am done with my rant!!! Thanks for making this available to us.
Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only TRUE FRIENDS will leave footprints in your heart...And may that friendship have such a ONENESS that when one weeps the other will taste salt...Friends are like balloons ; once you let them go you can't get them back....So I'm going to tie you to my heart so I never lose you.
The human race sucks the biggest ******g donkey balls around.
If I hear about one more piece of **** parent/parents that have killed or tried to kill their child I will hunt them down, string them up by their feet and slice their throat. They will bleed out like a hog to slaughter.
This country needs to do something about the mental illnesses and the drug use (not marijuana). These crack head prostitutes spread their legs, get knocked up and then end up killing the child. Really? I'll fix their **** so the only thing they are spreading their legs for is to pee. And the loser dudes that **** these nasty *****s need to have their balls cut off.
Yea I'm not happy today at all.