What should I expect after Gastric Bypass?

on 9/23/15 4:21 am

Hi! Im a bit new to the forums or Obesity Help in general and I was hoping to look to this place to get more personal information and what to expect after surgery. Im 22 years old and Ive been obese my entire life. I think the only point in my life I can remember not being over weight is when I was 5 years old. Im 5' 8" and somewhere over 300 pounds. I dont check often anymore because when I would look at the number, I would cry. 

My mother got gastric bypass a long time ago and shes lost so much weight and is so much healthier now. She recommended me to this website to get more insight on what to expect. Im a little nervous, my first doctors appointment is in a few days. I will be finding out what my insurance company wants me to do to get approved for the surgery. 

My question is, what was it like right after gastric bypass surgery? how did your friends and family treat you? How hard is it getting used to eatting such a small amount? 

Any help is appreciated! 

Things that seem still are still changing.

Kathy S.
on 9/23/15 9:16 am - InTheBurbs, XX
RNY on 08/29/04 with


Be sure and post this on the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery Forum (RNY)

Here is a great article to help you with your questions.

Life After Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery

HW:330 - GW:150 - MW:118-125

RW:190 - CW:130

on 9/26/15 3:20 am

Thank you! That was super useful!

Things that seem still are still changing.

on 9/23/15 12:13 pm

What to expect....is a short question with a long answer!

Yes, come over to the RNY forum and read read read - you'll learn a lot.

But here are the first few things that come to my mind, in no particular order:

Expect to have to work hard and be very consistent. People who claim surgery is the "easy" way out are just wrong.

Expect to actually enjoy exercise and physical activity.

Expect to exceed your dreams of what clothes you might be able to wear. 

Expect stalls. It's so common to want the weight to be gone *yesterday* and sometimes it's slower than that. 

Expect that your relationship with food will change dramatically. That can be scary. I loved food! (Still do!) But...it's just different now. 

on 9/26/15 3:21 am

Yeah, i took at the RNY forum and saw a lot of good things.

But yeah, its going to be strange and a struggle getting used to all those thing, especially trying to enjoy physical activity. My back hurts all the time, so its just not fun for me.

Things that seem still are still changing.

on 9/26/15 5:54 am

Oh, you won't enjoy it now. Not one bit. But eventually, you'll be able to do so much more and then you just won't believe it! Don't even stress over exercise now! 

on 9/23/15 12:14 pm
RNY on 07/23/14

It is a big decision. If your Surgeon has a seminar or support groups you can go to before surgery, go to them. Nice to be able to ask questions to real people and hear their responses. Recovery from the surgery physically didn't take that long, but getting used to what to eat and how much and dealing with the demons in your head that still want to eat -is a little harder. I think it got easier after 3 months, and then again at 6 months I felt like I could eat most things. Now that I am over a year out I can eat a semi-normal meal sometimes.... that is why you need to develop good habits of weighing and measuring and making healthy choices. The only being able to eat a few bites doesn't last forever.

Overall I have had great response from everyone. There was only one person who is in my life that was anti me getting the surgery... it did cause a rift. I am a social person, so I  still go out to eat. In the beginning I would only get soup or salad. Now I get a meal or appetizer and just bring home leftovers.

Good Luck!

Cynthia 5'11" RNY 7/23/2014

Goal reached 17 months. 220lb Weight Loss
Plastic Surgery Dr. Joseph Michaels - LBL and Hernia Repair 2/29/16, Arm Lift, BL, 5/2/16, Leg Lift 7/25/16

#lifeisanadventure #fightthegoodfight #noregrets



on 9/26/15 3:29 am

I love trying new and different foods and Im a social eater myself. Its going to be hard changing that part of me.

But thank you, it was nice to read that, its so good that I can come here and get feed back from you guys!

Things that seem still are still changing.

on 9/23/15 12:16 pm

Oops, I misread the ACTUAL question! So sorry!

Right after surgery....

You'll do best if you just follow doctor's orders on the amounts and types of food. Remember, it's right after major surgery - so it's a whole different experience than what you might anticipate. Your body will have major healing to do!

Your family will need to understand you are recovering from surgery for a few weeks. It takes TLC!

Friends? Honestly I kept my surgery decision pretty private - that was my choice - as I would any medical information. I was fearful that friends would mistakenly think I was asking for their opinion about the whole matter!

Anyway, sorry I misread the question....see you on the RNY page and I am sure many will answer!

on 9/26/15 3:23 am

Haha its ok and yeah, you are right. Its all really nerve wracking, Im avoiding telling some friends about the surgery for the reasons you already said.

Things that seem still are still changing.
