Anybody had a Colonscopy before WLS?

on 9/21/15 12:16 pm
Revision on 06/10/14
On September 18, 2015 at 2:55 PM Pacific Time, Heavens2Betsy wrote:

I'm scheduled for a routine screening colonoscopy on October 1st, and I'm kinda scared of it all.  I have to eat this low fiber diet for a whole week prior to the screening and then drink the huge gallon of icky stuff the night before.  I'm hoping to have WLS in January, and I had this screening scheduled before I was sure I was going to do WLS.  I guess it's a good thing to get screened beforehand, but I'm really nervous about it.  Anybody been thru it?  I'm thinking I won't be losing any weight the week before with the whole low-fiber diet, but I bet I'll be down a few pounds after pooping out every tiny bit in my intestines!  But, will I gain it back??  Yikes.

I had a upper GI and a colonoscopy done at the same time.  I had never had a colonoscopy and no intentions of having one.  The GI doctor told me I would already be knocked out for the upper GI I might as well go ahead and have the colonoscopy.....after talking to me he convinced me to.  It was no big deal. I gave me some pills to calm my stomach and the stuff I drank tasted like lemonade and wasn't bad at all...I didn't have to take a bunch of laxatives.  We laugh now and say I was ROTO Rooted before surgery

on 9/25/15 5:17 pm

Because of my age, I had to have a colonoscopy as a requirement for WLS. I had been putting it off anyway, for several years, and one way or the other I NEEDED to get it done. I was nervous as all get out, and yes, the prep the day before was the worst part. THAT was not exactly fun - but I can think of worse things to go through! The procedure itself was nothing  - I got to the hospital, they prepped me and gave me what they called "Happy Juice" while I waited for my turn in the OR. By the time they wheeled me into the room to do the procedure I was so relaxed I didn't give a hoot what happened to me! At that point they began giving me the anesthesia and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in the recovery room and it was all over. Easy Peasy!

"Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail"
