One Week to Go for Sleeve and chickening out
I know I should ask the nutritionist but I wanted an excuse to have one! LOL I'm really wanting one (a Roy Rogers just opened and I haven't a Double R Burger for years!) pre-surgery. Fantasy thinking I guess.
My doctor says that it helps with less bleeding and less of a chance of having open surgery instead of lapro.
There will always be new restaurants opening, and new foods you haven't tasted. You are trying to change your life, start by saying no to something that, in the long run is the wrong thing right now.

5' 5" tall. VSG on August 4, 2015/ Starting weight 239.9/ Surgery weight 210.9/ Current weight 137.4/ Goal weight 140/ No longer overweight, now a NORMAL weight. Now that I'm at goal, it's time to move on to maintenance!!!!!!!!
If you had - it - ok. not cool ..but you will be ok. if you did not yet - just don't do it.
I was on liquid + one small meal a day for 4 weeks... and liquid only for 2 days before surgery... with clear liquids day before..
This is my opinion - and I believe that following the docs order- before surgery gives us best chance to be successful. If nothing else - the stress or guilt is not worth the "extra food".
The diet is suppose to make the liver bit smaller and less "slippery" - allowing the doc the best chance of making the surgery safer for us.
I know a person who cheated on liquid diet - then she had complications.. - she blamed herself for that
Was it her fault? We will never know if she were complication free if she followed the diet as directed.
If you ate - too late - but in the future ask yourself - is it really worth it?
But if you eat a burger or other food a day before when you are told "liquids only"- the surgery may be canceled - or you may really deal with serious complications...
The way I see it - the less food was in my guts at the the day of surgery - the bets my chances that things would get easy. Food in the guts any leak ...ugh..
Plus everything stops moving while we are under or taking pain pills.. so all this food is just sitting in our guts fermenting, getting spoiled... and new post op wonder why they have so much nausea...
Better be safe than sorry...
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
Food for thought - pun intended!
I know I should be taking it more seriously being a week out and I know I should be honest about having one to the doc but...there's that but...
Thanks for talking me out of least it's not on my mind now.
or.. maybe you're scared and this is a way to self - sabotage - so you don't have the surgery?
you will be able to eat burgers in the future.. I eat them now... but they need to be "worthy" ... lol..
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
I think maybe what's going through my mind is that I changed my surgery date. Originally, my surgeon offered me late October and I asked if there was anything sooner. Coordinator apparently pulled some schedule strings and got me in 9/24. So, that was less than 2 days to "live it up" before the liver cleasning diet. I know I must not be the only one that has that last hurrah meal so I had Chinese buffet. But that darn hamburger is calling me. I figure if I'm going to have it, the farther away from surgery is better.
When I met with the surgeon yesterday I was thinking about that and he said he does have patients that cancel and then within a month or two reschedule. He's only had a couple that didn't come back. Maybe that's in the back of my mind.
Thanks for all of your tips!
I can tell you that the more you adhere to the pre-surgery diet the easier the surgery. My doctor told my husband he could tell that I did not cheat on my pre surgery diet cause I was so clean which made his job so much easier! This is the time for you to start changing your way of thinking. Your sleeve is a tool start the change now.
You can do this, hang tough.

Thanks, Lisa! That positive note helps! I have been thinking about that - - what my surgeon would say and do - - and being able to tell if I cheated. Okay, I'll come clean. I did give in to the burger, but that was it, no fries. I felt guilty of course and haven't thought about it since. I actually thought about calling the doctor's office and telling him. Thanks again!
on 9/19/15 3:46 am
I'm terribly sorry to be a downer right now, but I think it is best that you cancel and reschedule your surgery and start working with a shrink. You are clearly not mentally or emotionally prepared to let go of food. You say "it's a tool" but the rest of your words betray that sentiment -- you're looking at it as a barrier or a policing force, and it's not. After the surgery it is still going to be up to YOU to make the RIGHT choices about what you eat. You didn't even have enough self control or discipline to not eat a burger against doctor's orders during the pre-op cleanse week. How well do you really think you are going to do in the end? In the long run I foresee you being one of those people who stretches their stomach back out and gains it all back.
Simply not being able to fit as much into you in one quick sitting is nowhere near all it takes to lose weight. You can sit and eat slow to finish the whole plate and you'd consume as many calories as before and defeat the purpose of the surgery. Likewise you could make unhealthy choices, like a greasy roy rogers burger instead of the healthier alternative of home made, and you're doubling your calories and defeating the purpose.
Honestly, I think you are not ready and eating that burger anyway even when you knew you shouldn't just proves it. You might also have been using that burger as an excuse to cancel. Please, for your own sake, cancel and reschedule.
Your friends can say what ever they want, but remember they are not living your life.
Like you said you are doing this to get healthy and of course be there for your daughter for many, many years to come.
Don't let a few naysayers sway you away from a new healthy, happy lifestyle.