Sad, scared.

on 9/12/15 10:56 pm

Welcome aboard! I had my surgery at age 53 and am now (yikes!) 60. We have a lot in common - my high weight was 257. I lost 105 lbs. and maintain at 160, and it's been 6 years. (Yes, I'd like to lose 5 lbs.)

I was also very scared by it all. My good friend had been successful with WLS so it wasn't so much that as much as making the decision itself. For a while, it was "Is this the right thing to do? Am I this desperate?" And then it changed to "What if I am NOT approved for the surgery? What will I do then?" 

Weight had impacted my health and most of all (hurtful to me) my professional standing. 

This forum was a terrific help - I read everything I could in preparation. I kept a journal. I prayed about the decision. I attended support meetings every time I could get to one. I took notes. And I have made lasting friends through WLS support, so just keep going to those meetings! 

You are on the right track to be as healthy as possible pre op, and learn all you can! Find a doc you just love, and one you trust implicitly. 

I'm also in Eastern time - live in Florida but originally from Michigan, with a stop in Pennsylvania in between for several years. Where do you live?


on 9/13/15 11:37 am - NH

Welcome. I am about to turn 52 also and feel that this forum is hugely helpful. Everyone GETS the feelings we have and the vets are so helpful. Relax. It's okay, take comfort in the arms of Jesus. Know that there are real life people here who have your back.



HW: 280 SW: 270. CW: 190. Goal: 140

Lap Band: 10/2007 Insurance Approval: 10/19/15 Revision to RNY: 11/2/15

Preop -10 M1 -26  M2 -19  M3 -10  M4 -11  M5 -3  M5  -4  M6 .. Too tired to do the math, but slow




on 9/13/15 2:47 pm

Thank you.  I keep hanging on to Isaiah 43:18-19 "  Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old.  Behold I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?"  I want the new thing.  And I know God didn't allow of the things that have walked through my life  so that I could separate myself from people.  He wants me to feel and then share the joy he gives me, the peace that passes all understanding.  I am a work in progress...WLS and health are part of it.  

on 9/13/15 9:56 pm

I have a great support system also, but the best support I got was from the support groups. Just going and listening made a difference to me and I gradually opened up more and more.

on 9/15/15 12:45 pm

Thank you so much to every one that took the time to write to me.  I have felt so alone with no one around me that understands how difficult this is.  I feel like the journey has started, it's been a couple of months since I have been seriously pursuing this.  I am trying to eat better, but today at work I not only had a piece of cake, I cut the corner piece with the most frosting.  It was down my throat before I even realized that I lost...I cannot do this on my own.  I met with my doctor over 2 weeks ago and the referral has still not been sent to the surgeons.  I called to speak to them and all they could say was they will let the doctor know I called.  Meanwhile...I wait...Nothing can happen without that referral.  Praying for patience...and trusting in His timing.  And I want to eat everything in the refrigerator.  even the condiments.  the ones I don't like...I think about eating all of the time.  I wake up at night wanting to eat.  I don't get up and get anything...yet.  It's just a matter of time.  Gotta love these self defeating thoughts I keep having.  I haven't always been like this, I don't even recognize myself.  I don't see a large woman in the mirror.  She only shows up in pictures. lol  My blood pressure isn't that high, and it is controlled with minimal med's.  My cholesterol isn't that high, and it is controlled by med's.  What co-morbidities will I qualify for???  Do I need to have a destroyed heart before I qualify?  Thanks for reading this, and thank you in advance for having a place that I can vent.  Thats all I am doing...venting.  I am going to pick up my grand daughter and have some fun outside before the snow comes and ruins it!  And there isn't any food outside!  At least, no cake, cookies, chips...just nice apples :)

on 9/17/15 10:58 am

Co morbidness would be defined like high blood pressure, diabeties, sleep apnea, etc.  You would need to check with your insurance to find out their rules.

Also- I would recommend this book- Food: A good girl's drug- really talks about food issues, impulses- and how to divert yourself so that you are not self destructing yourself by impulse grabbing food. I know how hard it is and I've taken the last 4 months to work on it myself.  I used to to think my 6 month waiting period was torture but I have learned so much about food and control that it has been so helpful.

This board is awesome and will give you support and kick you in the butt too when you need it...



HW 305 SW 278 Surgery weight 225 GW 160 LW: 118.8

RNY 12/15/2015,

GB removal 09/2016,

Twisted bowel/hernia repair 08/2017

M1 Dec 2015-13.0, M2-7.0, M3-14.5, M4-9.4, M5-7.1, M6 9.8, M7-7.6 ,M8- 7.6, M-9 5.5, M10-6.4, M11- 2.2, M12 Dec 2016- 5.8
