Mammogram Changes
Had to have my yearly mammogram and it showed some changes since my last one. Suspicious calcifications have shown up that lead me to have a breast biopsy yesterday.
Has anyone else had changes since surgery. They told me it could because of my weight loss, but *****ally knows right?
Get results on Friday
on 9/16/15 6:57 am - Canada
Good morning. I just wanted to tell you a bit about my story. 11 years ago I went to WW and lost 72 pounds. I've never been a large breasted woman but once I lost the weight is was very apparent that I needed some help in that department. I had implants done and loved the results. In fact I loved them so much that I couldn't stop looking at them and checking them out. While I was doing this I can across a lump that was close to my left nipple. The plastic surgeon wrote it off as being post-op fluid or a fluid filled cyst or maybe related to my period. Well I was satisfied with those reasons and watched it for the next 2 months. It got progressively bigger and was now causing pain when I exercised. I demanded that he drain it if it was a cyst so he put a needle in and tried to aspirate it. No fluid came out. Long story short...biopsy confirmed Estrogen positive breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy and axillary node removal. One node positive so 6 months chemo and 25 radiation treatments. 11 years later I am healthy and on my way to being even more healthy by losing the weight permanently.
So the moral of the story is...if I hadn't lost the weight and had plastics there would have been zero chance of me finding this lump because I was literally pretending like my breasts didn't exist because I hated them that much!
Lots of nay sayers will point fingers at surgery when really there isn't any proof that it contributed to breast changes. Except that they may get smaller and lose some perkiness. LOL.
I hope this helps a bit. Just remember that the changes you are making for your health are for the rest of your life. Speedbumps are bound to happen but stay the course and it all works out in the end. If it doesn't; it isn't the end yet.
Please stay in touch in you are so inclined. I'd like to help if I can somehow.
Yes, I have had a change since my weight loss surgery on March 30, 2015--mammogram in August 2015. In fact, I am scheduled to meet the specialist next week to determine what it is they actually see and the next steps, if any.