on 9/13/15 10:31 am

Yesterday my family and I walked in another 5K.  It was for the Neurofibromatosis (NF) Childrens Tumor Foundation (CTF).  My son's girlfriend has this condition which can cause tumors to grow on nerve endings throughout the body.  She has a very mild form of it but has bone abnormalities due to her condition. She doesn't let it stop her though.  I was very happy to support her in this cause to help research for it.  Before the actual 5K, we warmed up with ZUMBA...  I was able to dance for the entire session and then while waiting we were dancing/moving around while the festivities were getting ready.  I had my 5000 steps for my fitbit done before we even started the 5K.  We walked, we jogged, we had so much fun enjoying each other and the nature, beauty around us.  My hips did start to hurt a little, but I still had ENERGY to keep moving.  I ended up with almost 20000 steps on my fitbit!  When it was time to go to bed, I felt like I still had energy and stayed up way too late...  I had to work my 12 hour shift today and even though I didn't get much sleep, I'm still going strong.  I find it so hard to believe I have lost 137 pounds so far!  That is a whole person!!  I still see myself as a big girl and have the mentality of that big girl but because of the ENERGY I have now that helps me to remember I'm not that same fat girl in the mirror that I used to be!  I'm getting so close to being in onderland that I can almost taste it...  only 19 pounds left.  I am so extremetly happy that I was able to have this surgery to save my life and to let me be ABLE to ENJOY my life once again! 

P.S.   My tummy used to touch the steering wheel...  now there is about 6" between my belly and the steering wheel!  That just amazes me!!

Tammy B.
on 9/13/15 10:36 am - Wilmington, DE

Hoping to have the same experience!  Yeah for you!!


on 9/13/15 11:06 am

You know the old addege...  if I can do it, so can you!  I really do believe that!

on 9/13/15 10:39 am
VSG on 08/04/15

Congratulations!  One of my goals is to walk a 5K, so you are an inspiration to me.  Thank you for posting, and keep up those NSVs, they're the best part of all this.

5' 5" tall. VSG on August 4, 2015/ Starting weight 239.9/ Surgery weight 210.9/ Current weight 137.4/ Goal weight 140/ No longer overweight, now a NORMAL weight. Now that I'm at goal, it's time to move on to maintenance!!!!!!!!




on 9/13/15 11:08 am

I have done 3-5k's this year so far!  Mind you, I haven't ran them all, but have run portions of them.  Each time it's a little easier and I get a little faster.  I have total confidence that you can do it too!  One foot in front of the other!

on 9/13/15 11:26 am - NH

Thank you for sharing. This is totally inspiring to me as I sit exhausted from nothing on my couch. I'm praying I get a surgery date soon.  Keep up the amazing ENERGY.  

HW: 280 SW: 270. CW: 190. Goal: 140

Lap Band: 10/2007 Insurance Approval: 10/19/15 Revision to RNY: 11/2/15

Preop -10 M1 -26  M2 -19  M3 -10  M4 -11  M5 -3  M5  -4  M6 .. Too tired to do the math, but slow




on 9/13/15 12:21 pm

Trust me when I say I know where you are coming from!  This all will be just a distant memory soon for you, as long as you work with your tool!  I never in my wildest dreams, ever imagined at this time last year I was even going to be approved for surgery, let along being 137 pounds down now!  You will be having energy before you know it!  My hubby wanted me to get healthy so I would live and be able to go hiking...  now I'm telling HIM the same thing!!   He can't keep up with me on walks, hikes now!

on 9/13/15 1:56 pm

This is really inspiring. You must feel so proud of you. 


I can't wait to run again or walk long distances with my hubby instead of making excuses as to why I can't.

on 9/13/15 4:39 pm

I can't wait to hear about your being able to walk long distance again!  Remember...  one step at a time...  next time do a few more steps, then on and on.  So excited for you!

on 9/14/15 10:36 am

Thanks I'll keep you posted 
