What is a reasonable goal weight?

Valerie G.
on 9/11/15 4:39 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

My goal was simply a normal BMI

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

(deactivated member)
on 9/11/15 5:10 am

My original goal was "just" to be healthy and carry less excess weight  around.  My surgeon said 132. ( I'm 5'8" and small-boned ) I have hovered at exactly that mark for the last five years give or take about three lbs . 

I woud like to be 125/122 and if I can ever get the excess skin removed  - I will be . 

on 9/11/15 9:17 am
VSG on 12/08/14

I guess i'm different than most people. Im 5' 3 1/2" and started at 254. I am now at 158 and feel like I have stopped losing. I have only lost 3 lbs since July. 143 would be the top of the BMI "normal" for me but I don't think my body wants to go that far. I am a size 10 pants and a medium shirt, and to be honest, I would be happy staying this weight, especially since my skin is already too jiggly, but I do feel like I'm giving up, or failing a little if I don't get to "normal".


on 9/11/15 3:27 am, edited 9/11/15 3:28 am

You sound exactly like my size.  I am 5' 4" female and I will be starting out at around 255 or so. I picked 155 as my goal. What procedure did you have, how long did it take you to get to 158? What is the typical weight loss per month? I really would love some of those details. I have no idea what to expect.  I will probably have the jiggly skin issue too. I am 42 and I figure it won't bounce back like it used to.

on 9/11/15 12:50 pm
RNY on 03/24/15

Just incase you are not aware, at the top of the OH page there is a Resource drop down if you go there and then to Post Op planner and put in your height, weight and percent of excess you would like to lose it will figure it out for you.  I just typed in your height, weight and just for fun put 100% and it states your "ideal" weight is 135 (You may think this is to low or maybe it's on track) I believe it was. Anyways, One other thing is talk with your doctor and ask what his/her opinion is.  There are folks on here who have really put in the time and energy and have lost way more than 100 - 150lbs so IMO it's up to you as to how much you want to go! Just in case you haven't started it yet; 1. track your food intake on a program like MFP 2. pick a day and track your measurements 3. there are stalls but your measurments will help you see your still losing 4. Take lots of pics make sure you have a before pic so you can look back and see the difference 5. NSV's are wonderful be proud of them!  The STARS your limit!  Good Luck and enjoy the ride! ;)


Consult: 235 Surgery: 209 Current: 158.5 Goal: 140     




on 9/11/15 7:38 pm

Most people set their goal at whatever weight will give them a BMI of 25, the top of the 'normal' range. For some, this is quite achievable, for others, not so much. It depends on a lot of factors, like how long you've been MO (carrying around extra weight makes us develop denser, heavier bones, for one), whether you were an obese child versus gaining in later life, and just plain ol' genetics. Some of us have thriftier metabolisms than others. And of course, which form of WLS you choose will make some difference, too---especially if you've got one of those thrifty metabolisms.

At five years post-op, the 'average' person with a Sleeve or an RNY is maintaining a loss of 65-70% of their excess weight. But that's an average---there are people who're maintaining a loss of 100% of even more, and there are people who've regained quite a bit, or who never lost more than 40-50%. The DS has somewhat better long-term stats, with the 'average' DSer maintaining a loss of 78% at ten years post-op. But again, there are DSers who lost more than 100%, and others who never lost more than 50%.

Make YOUR goal whatever you think you can achieve and be comfortable with. 
