Hair Loss

on 9/10/15 8:33 am

I'm going through the approval process for RNY, and through my research and talking to people who have had the surgery, I've seen and heard a lot about losing hair. I know it sounds so vain to be worried about that, but after hating my body for so long, it's been the one thing I've loved about myself, so it definitely makes me anxious to think about if falling out. Have many of you who have had the surgery experienced that? If so, did you find anything that you could take or use to help decrease it? 

(deactivated member)
on 9/10/15 9:02 am

Protein! Protein! Protein! hehe. Its VERY important to get your protein, or yes your hair will fall out. I have long hair (to mid back) and I was SO scared about that, so my protein is my MAIN focus. I haven't lost any. Infact since doing the shakes for the last month, I've noticed growth! lol

on 9/10/15 9:23 am

Thanks! The one girl I talked to said that she lost quite a bit but that she didn't stick to what the doctors said as far as nutrition goes, so that could be why. One of many reasons to follow what they say! I will be the same way as you, making sure I get as much protein as I can to help avoid it possible! 

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 9/10/15 9:44 am
RNY on 08/05/19

Some people experience hair loss even if they're really, really pushing the protein. It's no guarantee you'll be "safe" from effluvium.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

(deactivated member)
on 9/10/15 10:00 am

No, and no one is going to be the same. However, protein IS important and a lack of it can lead to hairloss. So, while some things are out of our hands, its important to do what's been instructed by your nutritionist to be in the best health you can be and avoid what you can 

on 9/10/15 9:09 am
on 9/10/15 9:10 am

I feel that exact same way about my hair

Valerie G.
on 9/10/15 9:14 am - Northwest Mountains, GA

Telogen Effluvium is the condition that occurs after a trauma to the body (such as surgery, child birth, acute illness, etc) about 3 months after the event.  Its basically the hairgrowth cycle rebooting itself, shedding old hair to make way for new hair about to emerge (so yes, it grows back).  This condition lasts about 3 mos and stops.

Contrary to what you might hear, there is no vitamin, protein, shampoo or otherwise that will prevent or lessen this condition.  The nutritional components are vital after this event.  If you find that you are losing hair a year or so post-op, then it's likely a nutritional problem and yes, add protein.  For this event, though....don't waste your money.

DS 2005

There is room on this earth for all of God's creatures..
next to the mashed potatoes

on 9/10/15 9:21 am

My primary care physician said the same thing, but the surgeon attributed it to the nutritional aspect. Interesting, thanks for the input! 

on 10/12/15 1:21 pm - Canada
VSG on 04/24/15

Recently saw my endrocronologist and was told it was not protein perse but rather iron...and we get iron from meat/protein.

Read this article it helps understand what is going on.
