Second Time Round
on 9/10/15 4:40 am
Hello, This is my second time around. I my RYN surgery on 9/19/2006. I did very well I started out at 264 I dropped down to 127 in 6 months. since then I have 2 babies and I lost 2 of my parents back to back and I also got I know that's a lot to take in but that how life works sometimes. I was still o track after the first baby in 2010 but when I got married 2011 and had my next baby in 2012 I didn't shake the weight off so fast or at all. actually I'm bigger than I was before the baby so here I am wanting to get back on track and get my life back my energy back....I have a 5 and a 3 year old and I will be 40 this year so you know I need the so I will be having the same surgery hopefully in October or November
Is there something wrong with your RNY? Enlarged stoma etc.? More than likely you will not have the same surgery - are they tightening the stoma and pouch? Are you having an erny - distal bypass? If so, that is way different. You will have to learn your surgery. Lots of risks involved in terms of nutrition. And you have 2 small children so you must be mindful.
If poor habits are the cause of your gain, you may want to take a step back and learn how to work what you got again or for the first time.
Life is never still until we exit here. We have to learn to regulate. I often wonder how people stay fit through it all but my thing is food and that is the first thing I have learned to run to to self soothe. Life is tough but it will never be still until we are transisitioned.
Good luck with everything
Many revisions only result in losing about 20 pounds. Your malabsorption is long gone and that will probably not be coming back unless they are going to do something different with your intestines.
Be sure you know what they are going to do and what the long terms results will be in terms of your future health.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends