embarrassing pain in private parts!

on 9/5/15 10:17 am - SD

Almost 4 yrs ago, I lost 100 lbs , RNY, and now I have a problem with sitting, at church, restaurant, trips in car or truck. The loose skin in my private parts area just throbs. I have tried pillows of all kinds, with the hole in middle, without, soft, cushy, hard, it does't matter. The Dr. has prescribed numbing creams that you smear on 3-4 x's a day, no help at all. Now she's suggesting botox injections in the loose flaps of skin  and we're going on a trip four days after that. If that doesn't work, she's suggesting surgery to remove the excess skin. It's the skin our the outside of the vagina. Am I the only woman experiencing this problem? I've seen a vein Dr. for varicose veins there but he hesitates to do anything due to where it is located. HELP! We travel a lot to visit family and these trips are killing me. I also have a torn hamstring and bursitis that I get injected for. In other words, I'm a mess!

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 9/5/15 10:52 am - OH

My guess -- based on my history with a large amount of excess skin all over my body after losing weight and my experience with various types of spider and varicose veins of all sizes -- is that the pain is coming from the varicose veins not from the skin itself... so just removing the skin, unless you also remove those veins, isn't likely to help (and I would think the recovery from such surgery would be extremely painful!)

I am surprised the cushion with the hole in the middle doesn't help.  Do you have the throbbing when you are standing or laying down?  If not, you might want to talk to the vascular surgeon about having an ultrasound or contrast vascular study done of the veins in your pelvis.  I had a series of DVTs in the left thigh and pelvis many years ago, and know from my experiences that it is possible that you have some type of venous blockage or other issue in a vein in the pelvis that causes pressure in the veins in the genital area when you are in a sitting position (which can place additional pressure on that vein).

I had a large amount of excess skin in the mons area, and had a mons lift, but no excess labia skin, so the above is my only suggestion.  I sure hope you figure it out and can solve the problem!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.

(deactivated member)
on 9/5/15 12:15 pm

I'm wondering if a mons lift which is a common and relatively noon invasive post weight loss plastic surgery might fix the problem fore just shifting things around and pulling them up .  I've seen it combined with an inner thigh lift with great results . The excess skin over the pubis can cause all kinds of itching and even rashes - and imagine if there are painful veins there it would be even worse .  Have you looked into your insurance paying for this surgery ?  It seems like an easily documentable MEDICAL problem as opposed to a cosmetic one.  (((())) Hugs 

on 9/5/15 1:24 pm - SD

Thanks for the input! I think I'm going to check back with the vascular Dr. and see what he thinks about it too. I know there are varicose veins there too. Had terrible time with both my pregnancies and yes, I've got lot's of documentation from the various Dr.s I have seen about this problem. It's enough to keep me at home going nowhere but my recliner. We drove to Alaska two years ago, 8300 miles in 5 weeks and I was about crazy with pain by the time we got home.  I appreciate both of you for responding and uplifting me. Sometimes, you just wonder "is it in my head?" . I know it's not, though. Blessings and thanks for the hugs. back at ya!

on 9/5/15 1:29 pm - SD

To get away from the throbbing, I stand. Pain gone until I sit again. Sometimes, I can just re-arrange the skin and get a little relief but not often. I'm going to check back in with the vascular Dr.   I so appreciate your response! going to push this issue a bit more before I just have "skin" removed. I'm positive there's varicose veins in there. I had terrible pain in my pregnancies. Thank you so much!

crystal M.
on 9/6/15 10:24 am, edited 9/6/15 10:24 am - Joliet, IL

That sounds terrible, I'm so sorry.  I hope you find a solution.  I have excess skin in the pubic area and thankfully have not experienced this issue. 

Good luck let us know how it turns out
