Anxiety/Mild Depression
Hello All-
I LOVE this forum, and I really enjoy going back and reading older post of what I have to look forward to. I am wondering if Anxiety/Mild Depression were common with any of you that had Gastric Sleeve? I am about 21 days post surgery, and I have lost 27lbs so far, which is great, but I am noticing I am really anxious and not wanting to hop out of bed and face the day. I own my own business, so I do go to work, but I just have these moments of "buyers remorse", wondering if I did the right thing, and then anxiety and feeling down. Does this pass? Any feedback would be so helpful and I would be grateful to here of some positive thoughts on this.
This is my first post of hopefully many to come!
on 9/1/15 2:35 pm
Hi Steve!
There are plenty of us here who've had depression/anxiety issues both before and after surgery. Many people also go through some emotional ups and downs thanks to the "hormone dump" that occurs after surgery-- fat cells store estrogen, so as we lose weight rapidly, that kinda screws with our systems a bit.
Lots of people find it helpful to talk to a therapist, since we go through SO many big changes in our lives around surgery, even if it's just for a session or two. Many surgeons' offices have providers that they refer to, so it may be worth asking.
This is also a great place to vent and get help with the emotional stuff that comes alongside surgery, since sometimes you just need to grump or get some outside perspective.
27 pounds so far is great work, keep it up!!

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
on 9/1/15 4:02 pm
Youre probably just going through the emotional rollercoaster of withdrawal from excess food Steve . We almost all experience buyers remorse the first few weeks post op... then we start to feel better can eat more and the weight loss starts ... Right now yore starving too ( it takes eight full weeks for you r insides to heal so its very important that you only eat the prescribed quantities ) give yourself break! Try giving yourself a nice treat like a bubble bath every night... binge watching tv .. inventive sex with the spouse . Nows a great time to discover the his and hers adult lubricant aisle at the drugstore
Thank you all for the positive feedback. I think all of the above has some truth to it, and it is nice to know that what I am experiencing might be "normal". The buyers remorse is what I am afraid might be a slippery slope....but hearing that I will be able to eat more and feel more normal is encouraging. Thank you all for helping me!
on 9/2/15 7:00 am
(((()))) Big hugs Steve !!! I used to LIVE on here for a couple of months after my surgery . The support can be phenomenal and you'll learn a LOT about what to do and not to do post op . W've all been where you are .. it does get a LOT better in just a few weeks .