Well, I am ending my WLS journey.....for now

on 9/2/15 2:11 pm

You write "I guess I will just focus on myself and try to do this on my own..."

I realize you're referring to dieting, but trust me, you'd be much better off to take this attitude toward having WLS. WLS is something you CAN do on your own, and that will give you permanent, life-changing help. At your weight, your chance of losing your excess weight and keeping it off for five years WITHOUT WLS is less than five per cent.

I'm guessing that your husband has no personal experience with morbid obesity or struggling to lose a significant amount of weight. As such, he simply doesn't get it, CAN'T get it, Just tell him that you love him and want his support on this, but that you also love yourself and you're going to do what you have to do to save your life.

I also suggest your find a difference surgeon, one that won't expect you to lose 120 pounds BEFORE surgery! My surgeon actually said "I'm sure that if you could lose weight on your own, you'd have already done so."

You also need to research a procedure called the Duodenal Switch. It has a Sleeved stomach plus an intestinal bypass that will permanently cause you to only absorb part of what you eat. The DS causes dramatic, permanent changes in how the body metabolizes food. This gives the DS the very best long-term, maintained weight-loss stats, especially for those of us with a BMI greater than 50. It's also the best at resolving or preventing co-morbs like diabetes and high cholesterol.

on 9/5/15 8:02 pm

Hi! I am pre-op & usually stay on the gastric sleeve site. But since my surgery date is coming up I was trolling thru all the sites.

And I cam upon your post!

I felt I needed to respond b/c I feel so bad for you that you do not have your husband's support after thinking he was behind you on having the surgery. My personal belief is that he got spooked the closer the surgery got to happening so he had to come clean. Can't comment on his possible fears: could be anything. But really - that's HIS issue.

Your issue is your weight/health.

You appear young. I was young once, and pretty damn healthy & active despite consistently gaining weight every year. By my late 40's my weight was beginning to slow me down, and I was under 300 lbs. back then!

I then began the slide downward the doctors had been warning me about for years if I did not get the weight off: high blood pressure, diabetes, sleep apnea, heart problems, arthritis...even cancer! Yup, I eventually got them all. Each diagnosis I told myself I'd get the weight off, but it never happened. Last year I gained 25 lbs over the summer courtesy of a betablocker med for my heart. Hit my all time high of 350. I COULD BARELY MOVE. I COULD BARELY BREATHE. FAMILY WAS WAITING ON ME LIKE IN 'MY 600 POUND LIFE!

Hell no! I NEVER thought I would get there. None of us do.

I signed up for the surgery. Had to go thru a lot of clearances. I've lost 60+ lbs pre-op by following my meal plan, and I was not required to lose weight!  But I am beginning to see myself falter...which is good b/c some of my family have suggested I can do this w/out the surgery. NO WAY! Most of us could not control our food intake on our own. Our 'wiring' is off.

So PLEASE...PLEASE...PLEASE...reconsider! If you are young enough to conceive & 300+ lbs now you are sure to blow up even more as you get close to pre-menopause. You are endangering your health, and it is damn scary to have surgery when you are older & have serious co-morbidities.

PLEASE...take care of YOU! 

