Do you agree with me? Hypnosis is same as Self Talk

on 8/24/15 7:05 am

I have tried Hypnosis once before  for my then weight loss efforts and believe it is the same as Self Talk, I've done Therapy over 15 years  with a therapist and have learned the self talk to help me out of some depressive times and has worked, I see alot of similarity.What is your Opinion?

BTW still maintaining my 100 lb weight loss 8+ years P.O. 2 foods I still cannot tolerate is Potatoes and Egg Yokes..Have a great Monday....PeaceV Wendy


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Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 8/24/15 9:19 am
RNY on 08/05/19

From a medical standpoint, I understand that they are different. "Self talk" is done in a fully-conscious state. Hypnosis is less so and works with the subconscious mind.

(Citations on the way when I can find them...)

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 8/24/15 10:29 am

Not a therapist myself (and don't play one on TV) but I've undergone hypnosis and also know a bit about self talk.

I see self talk as a conscious, deliberate "script" that we use, for example, to help us respond appropriately in tempting situations. One self talk phrase I use if I am out doing errands and feel tempted to pick up something that is not a good food choice is simply the words, "Go home." I know that in that setting, I'm vulnerable. If I go home, I'll make the right choice. The self talk becomes a mantra to get me to drive the right direction.

Hypnosis was subconscious "implanting" of suggestions that would deter me from indulging in a bad habit. For example, it might suggest that I had no desire at all for the ice cream, and ideally would allow me to drive past the DQ without the need for any self talk. 

Amateur descriptions, but that's how I understand it. 

on 8/24/15 11:52 am

ok that does make sense thanks, I must not have been properly Hypnotized then. I was somewhat conscious. Ok now that erks me....

7stents (2003)...Heart Attack(2004)...Open Heart (2004)....Wls (2007)...Heart attack 2012...1 stent (2012)...Heart Attack (2013)...Heart Attack (2013)...1 stent(2013)
~~~Best Vitamin For Making Friends  B1~~~

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 8/24/15 1:22 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 8/24/15 5:52 pm - Vancouver, WA

I think they are similar but yet very different to me self talk is what I use fully conscious more like a mantra. I use it a lot at the store too. lol "Wait till home" is mine, I know I can easily wait the 20 min till I'm home and can have some good healthy food not a bag of chips from the check out stand!

I did a self hypnosis tape when I tried quitting smoking one time and it was very different and much like the person in Julie's article. While I knew what was going on around me, heard the school bus go by and felt the wind on me. I just felt too relaxed to move I just wanted to lay there in the awesome peace and calm of my room and never move again. I tried to bring myself around a couple of times because I knew my daughter would be home soon but just didn't want to come around yet. It was only when the tape talked me out that I was full awake and able to get up and move around again.Didn't help me quite smoking but was very relaxing! It was an odd but nice sensation.

on 8/24/15 5:30 pm

I knew exactly what was being said during hypnosis, and remembered it. You are not unconscious. But the suggestion imprints on the subconscious mind. 

Cicerogirl, The PhD

on 8/24/15 5:48 pm - OH

What Lynn and Julie said. They are different.  I don't use hypnosis (and only personally tried it as a client once, with very limited results), but I have several colleagues who routinely use it with clients with anxiety, phobia, and weight, smoking, and some other "minor" addiction issues.  

As best I can tell from talking to them, it is far more useful with phobias and specific kinds of anxiety than with "addiction" type issues (probably because there is so much psychological going on "behind" the urge to eat/drink/smoke as well as the physical dependence issues with substances).

Interestingly, although some have helped people quit smoking with hypnosis (although no numbers to rival the success rate of Chantix!), every one of them has admitted that not a single client has lost any significant amount of weight after multiple hypnosis sessions!


14 years out; 190 pounds lost, 165 pound loss maintained

You don't drown by falling in the water. You drown by staying there.
