Body self-image...
It can be weird when everyone around you starts telling you how much smaller you look, when you haven't really started to see it yourself. Sure, I have noticed my clothes fit better, and some are too big to wear, but as far as seeing it in the mirror, or feeling different in my physical space... not so much. Today as I was opening my store, I caught my reflection and for the first time I actually saw a smaller person than I was used to looking back at me. It was a really strange moment. When did you start noticing your reflection changing?
on 8/20/15 6:08 pm
This is my life now, and I have no idea when (or if) I'll start seeing a change in my reflection. I work in healthcare in a department where we're very open about our own medical issues, and despite all the comments I get from coworkers, I don't see myself any smaller in the mirror. I do when I put my progress pictures side-by-side. I also notice little isolated things, like my collarbones and hip bones and of course my clothes, but I still can't see the forest for the trees. A few weeks ago I had an off-site training for work. I got in an elevator, almost bumped into someone, and said "excuse me" before realizing I was alone in an elevator with mirrored walls.
I noticed it around 4 months out, I caught myself doing a double take in the mirror above my fireplace. My face was so thin. My wife says I have body dysmorphia, but I think its getting better. She would hand me a medium and I would put it on and say my gut is huge in this. She would take a picture and show me.....she was right, I looked great.....I hate it when she's right, unless it relates to me looking great :)
Very funny elevator story - catching your own reflection when you don't expect it does throw you on your heels. You all reminded me, at my first year out I'd be walking by a store window and think where is that woman....I don't see her near me...oh...duh
You'll get used to it. I think the best part is that once you get to a certain weight nobody on the street notices you because you just blend in with all the regular weight people.

on 8/21/15 7:06 am
My psychologist says it takes longer the longer you've been overweight, too. Someone who was thin through school and put on weight in adulthood will probably "see themselves" as thin again long before someone who's been obese since childhood. For me, I was officially overweight at about age 6 and went on my first diet at 9, so it might take awhile because I literally don't know myself as a normal size.
Yes. I think that happens to all of us. Just walking down the street or in the mall and you catch a glimpse of a thin person in the window and you realize it's you!!! That can't be you!!! But yes it is....and that is the first time you really feel "thin".
Because you are now seeing yourself for the first time as the world is seeing you. When you just walk up to a mirror and look, if you are like me, you still see that "fat" girl looking back.