pseudo tumor cerebri

on 8/17/15 12:46 pm

I had lapband surgery in 2007 and lost 115 lbs by working out hard daily 3 times a day.. I went down to 160 lbs and I was sooo happy.. I had soooo many revisions maybe over 5. So 2015 January they took out my lap band . Because I was having pain and they found the band some how was attached to my liver .. I had Pseudo tumor cerebri since I was pregnant with my daughter was over 2 years now. So once they took my lapband out I gained 40lbs. now my Pseudo Tumor cerebri  is out of control because i gain weight  soooooo much weight once they took out the lap band right now im 56 and I weigh 250 lbs. My dr wants to give me the sleeve  so im alittle scared because I don't want to lose toooo much weight just want to go down to 165. but my question is did anyone get approved faster than the 6 months because of pseudo tumor cerebri??. Im doing my sleep study next week then they are going to send my paper work to the insurance .. I know im approved for 6 months but they want to do it sooner..

on 8/17/15 1:40 pm
VSG on 01/19/15

Does your neurosurgeon see you frequently for your pseudo tumor? And are they relieving that fluid? 

Im by no means a pseudo tumor expert, but I'm thinking that the trouble is your eating more after the lap band removal.

Are you still working out 3 times a day? You won't keep the weight off unless you eat the tiny portions you had pre removal and keep the exercise regime up.

on 8/17/15 2:06 pm

Yes he sees me very often and I have been losing weight is just hard keeping it off since I got lapband removed i have I'been getting spinal tap after spinal tap  so my doctor telling me I have to lose weight  or maybe get a shunt and I don't want the shunt. By me gaining weight is making the pseudotumor cerebri worse

on 8/17/15 4:20 pm
RNY on 03/24/15

Not to mention exercise is very hard when it also induces high pressure and causes major head pain!  I know exactly how you feel, almost like there is a no win situation.  For a while right after surgery, I could walk 4 miles a day, but recently I have been in and out of the urgent care for shots trying to bring my pain level down to a more manageable level.  This means if I'm babing head pain, I'm not exercising.

Consult: 235 Surgery: 209 Current: 158.5 Goal: 140     




on 8/17/15 4:15 pm
RNY on 03/24/15

I also had a lap band that erroded into my stomach.  I gained all of the weight I had lost in 1yrs time.  Once I gained all that weight back I started having major head pain (July 2014).  I was diagnosed with PTC/IIH and sleep apnea in Nov of 2014.  My Neuro wrote a letter stating that she felt I needed to have RNY surgery because if I just lost weight (fast) I would be cured.  Unfortunately I have yet to be "cured" even though I have lost over 70lbs total (pre op to now) and weigh less than I did after lap band surgery.  But to answer your question, yes I did get approved very quickly and did not have to do a 6 month supervised diet.  Now that could just be because of the insurance I have, IDK.  I wish you the very best and hope/pray everyday with every pound lost that I will eventually go into remission.  Maybe one day there will be a cure because I don't believe that weight has everything to do with the disease but am willing to try anything to live as much of a "normal" life as I can.  Good Luck and God Bless!  If you would like to befriend me, please do so.


Consult: 235 Surgery: 209 Current: 158.5 Goal: 140     




on 8/17/15 4:18 pm

Thank you soooo much you answered  my question... and i have HIP insurance  what insurance u had? And how long u were susposed  to have waited if the dr didnt write the letter.. And how soon asfter they approved u .. your had the surgery? 

on 8/17/15 4:26 pm
RNY on 03/24/15

I have tricare.  It only took about two and a half weeks for the approval once my doc sent it in.  Then it took about two and a half more weeks for my doc to have an availability for surgery.  During that time, I did all my blood work up, phsyc eval, nutritionist (1 month diet) Then the two week liquid diet, then surgery!  If the doc wouldn't have written the letter and I wouldn't have already had a successful lap band ****il it erroded) then it would have taken 6 months from start to finish.  I was rushed through the process and glad for it! :)

Consult: 235 Surgery: 209 Current: 158.5 Goal: 140     




on 8/17/15 4:34 pm

My lap band was the best thing that  have ever happen to me went fron a size 18 down to a 7 and i worked out so hard and ate right  i wish i could get it again but because jt was on my liver thwy said no.. i have to get the sleeve.. i have my phyc appt next week and the sleep study consult next week. And then the test. I know once the phyc is done and the nutritionist  and the sleep study dont then they can sent to insurance  company and my letter from the neuro  dr im excites and scared i hope ita approved

on 8/17/15 4:41 pm
RNY on 03/24/15

I don't see why it wouldn't be approved, a lot of Neuro's believe weight loss will throw PTC into remission.  I do want to let you know that from the online support group I'm on there are many cases where folks get worse, there's no change and then of course the ones who have gone into remission.  Every person who has PTC is very different so the only way to know which catagory you are going to fit in is to have the surgery.  On top of PTC I was also diagnosed with Lupus so for me head pain is just a part of my life right now.  Maybe, God willing I will go into remission and the Lupus won't affect me and I'll be as good as new, but for now, I just take one minute at a time!  God Bless!!!!!!!

Consult: 235 Surgery: 209 Current: 158.5 Goal: 140     




on 8/17/15 4:45 pm

Awee god will bless you.. you seemed like a blessed person. Im going to get it done i just lost 8 lbs on my own i been doing 5k runs and etc. Im veryyyy active i juss eat the wrong things when i get home at night smh so i need that restriction again... but what happens with the sleeve whats the difference between the lapband and that since we both had it.
