Wednesday B*TCHFest: You're welcome

H.A.L.A B.
on 8/13/15 4:36 am

I work with Japanese for the last 20 years.. We trained them.. Lol.. But them we are independent so they have to trust that we know what we are doing... 

First few years was hard... 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

GeekMonster, Insolent Hag
on 8/14/15 12:40 pm - CA
VSG on 12/19/13

I've been dealing with their eccentricities for  26 years. We've had some amazing leaders and some ******** They don't send the good ones to the US unless there's a large scale project. They send us the ones they don't want at our headquarters.

This new guy came from our India office.  He had several years of unprofitable management so they sent him here. I hope he doesn't drive us into the ground.

"Oderint Dum Metuant"    Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!

Height:  5'-7"  HW: 449  SW: 392  GW: 179  CW: 220

H.A.L.A B.
on 8/14/15 5:54 am, edited 8/14/15 5:54 am

Crap.. from India? so he got promoted.. or was so bad even they did not want him...

It took a few years for the some of the japanese to see me as engineer - business person... but the president of one of the company made sure his people knew that I matter.. really good guy... 

younger generation in that company is better...  BTW: when they have new project (like right now) - they insist I look at that. I was told they tell each other: ."she tells us what we did wrong and how to fix it or improve ..." 

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 8/12/15 7:15 pm

Work.  Found out my supervisor had been fired, I don't know why but it was serious since she was escorted out of the building.

Now all the people I worked with that I liked are gone and new ones coming in that I don't care for.

Looking for another job since I can't take all the negative changes going on.

My car has become a money pit.  Every time I fix one thing another thing goes wrong.  And not only is it expensive to fix, it's expensive to diagnose.

I thought attorney's and car salesmen were the scum of the earth but some of the mechanics I've seen lately can give them a run for their money.

I paid one guy to fix my car and I left with it running worse then when I came in.   And he couldn't care less.  Told me that he had nothing to do with it, just a coincidence that it happened after he messed with it.  Did not even attempt to figure it out or help, just pretty much said "Too ******g bad".

A ton more but I will take a break.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Felicity Q.
on 8/12/15 9:42 pm
DS on 09/28/15

My husband, whom swears that he has willpower of steel, decides that he is going to accompany me on my journey to clean eating. Together, we throw out all of the sugars, starches, and non protein or vegetable items in the house. Literally nothing bad at home to tempt me.  We talk for hours about plans for our weight loss - how he's not going to have surgery but instead we will eat the same meals after my surgery - just him more of it.  He even says he wants to start journaling his food so I help him get set up.

He has a work meeting that starts around 12pm. I say to him "Make sure to eat something beforehand so you're not famished during the meeting and are not tempted to go out to lunch after, since we VOWED to not cheat on the diet".  He shrugs me off and takes a piece of cheese with him.

Then comes home to confess that he went out to eat lunch and proceeded to eat a 1,000 calorie + sandwich.

Typing this out, I feel guilty being so mad about it. Maybe if it weren't for his constant bragging on how this diet is going to be so easy for him, and how he's doing it to support me, and after all the talking... his first opportunity to cheat on the diet, he does. Even with forewarning, even with me telling him that he'll be tempted to go out.

Part of me is also jealous that he cheated, because I would punch a stuffed animal for ANY of my favorite foods. Or even a piece of bread.  My first instinct was to keep 'tabs' on this and have 1 cheat to myself later... but then realized that kind of behavior is not going to make me successful. I need to do this on my own. If he helps, bonus.  I just feel let down that he disappointed me.

Lap-Band 2011 | DS Revision 9/28/15 | HW: 380 in 2011 | GW: 140

Blog: | Twitter: @FelicityQ13

on 8/13/15 6:38 am - Lutz, FL
RNY on 06/12/15

I'm not having a good week so far.  So please pardon my profanity.

My husband has been at his company for 12 years.  They are a multinational very large company, so a lot of times they do not focus much on the individual, more on the dept.  However this is a company that tells him over and over how invaluable he is.  How if he were to leave his whole dept would shut down and that product would fail.  At one point 5 years ago they found out he was entertaining an offer from another company and they came to him begging him to stay, asking what he wanted.  He was simple and straight forward.  He wanted a promotion to recognize the work he is actually doing, he wanted an raise to industry standards for that new title, he wanted a guaranteed 5% raise for the remainder of his time there if he scored a certain amount on his review, and another percentage point for every point above that score, and he wanted cash bonuses instead of stock grants in the company with a 5 year vesting schedule.  They made the agreement, complied for 3 years, and now its all down hill.  He's working 18 hour days, his last review he got the highest score in the company (literally), he does most of his boss's job because his boss has been out on medical leave, he has saved this dept time and time again constantly fixing everyone's mistakes.  They tell him daily they can't live without him.  Yet this year he got a 2% raise, $5k stock bonus on a 5 year vesting schedule (so, his bonus after everything is 1 grand a year?  IF he stays there?  awesome, that's incentive) and a box of really awful chocolate covered bacon.  No joke.  Then I noticed a few months ago that his checks were the same.  There was no increase with the raise.  He called HR, talked to his manager, I even talked to HR.  It was finally supposed to be fixed this check we get today.  The raise is there, but the retroactive amount for the last 6 paychecks is not.  I'm about to scream, and he just wants to ******g sit around and say "they'll fix it, its ok".  I want him to leave there so bad!!  I don't harp, cause its not fair, but I miss seeing him, and he deserves the financial recognition for the work he is doing.  (that was long, sorry)

I ******g hate other people around my old town.  I still have friends there so I go into town occasionally but I am confronted by these drug addled do nothings who just hang out in bars all night and mooch the rest of their lives to get by.  They all work in bars so they have can continue to be drunk or drugged up while making money, and they are all just wastes of space, liars and thieves.  I know because I employed most of them when I opened my bar downtown, not knowing about the culture in that area.  Its gross.  I wish the ocean would swallow up that town and make everyone move to other parts of the US, mostly because it would force them to grow up and become adults just to survive.

I have a guy *****nts some equipment from me.  He's NEVER on time with his payments.  NEVER!  He's always high!  Always has money for weed (gross) and has almost no bills.  But he has a new phone!  And new clothes!  And weed!  ******G PAY ME!  Its only $50 a week!  Its for his job, eventually he always pays me, and if I take the stuff back he loses his job.  I should be a priority.  But instead, its weed that is a priority.

I have tattoos.  Nothing offensive, most of them are flowers.  But I have a lot.  So does my husband.  We have been made to feel unwelcome at the two churches we really thought would be a good fit, and we are welcome at the two churches we do not feel are a good fit.  Its really hard for us right now.  Especially since I REALLY need fellowship.

Someone cloned my husband's debit card and wiped out our bank account.  For the last week we have been living off of change jars and the dollars I stash all the time.  Its frustrating to say the least!  I just want the bank to release our funds back to us so I can pay bills and do a good grocery shopping trip.  Why is that such a difficult thing?

Can my daughter just STOP being a teenager?  Please?  please...

LapBand Weight 460 (2006) | Panni Removal Weight 200 (2008) | 3rd kid (2009)
Revision to RNY Weight 355 (June 2015)


on 8/14/15 11:52 pm
Revision on 08/27/15

I'm tired of listening to my coworker's problems.  We work for the government and earn good money.  Her husband is a stay-at-home dad.  She's constantly complaining about how broke they are, how she had to go on leave without pay to have both of their kids, how their only credit card is maxed out, how their credit scores are in the toilet because they missed a bunch of payments while she was on leave without pay, how they need a second car and can't afford one, how she has no sick leave or vacation leave saved up, how she's having to roll change f******oney to come to/from work this week, how the house that they're renting is a complete dump but they can't afford to move, etc.  And yet, she and her husband are trying to get pregnant again. 

I just want to smack her.  She currently has less than two weeks of combined leave, so she's going to expect the rest of us to donate leave hours for her, and she's still going to have to go on leave without pay again if she gets pregnant.  She can't afford to, because she won't have any room on her credit card to pay any bills, so she's going to drive her credit even further into the ground.  Her "hobby" is perfume, so she's constantly buying perfume online.  I would really love to smack some sense into her and tell her, "Yes, I know you want a little girl.  Guess what? You can't afford another child.  Either grow up and be responsible, or stop whining to the rest of us." 

I'm having surgery in a week and am taking three weeks off of work.  You know what I did?  I planned ahead and saved money and vacation/sick days so that I can afford to take the time off without having it be a burden. 

Lap-Band 2007

Lap-Band Replaced 2011

APPROVED for revision to RNY! Awaiting surgery date!

Brad Special

on 8/18/15 5:41 am
VSG on 12/06/12

They should check out Dave Ramsey. They could seriously use his program. 
