Considering VSG procedure

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 8/3/15 2:24 pm
RNY on 08/05/19

I had VSG in December 2013 and it's the best thing I've ever done.

I lost 140lb and went from a BMI of 48 to 24. I no longer take medication for high blood pressure, and I don't need my CPAP anymore. Before surgery, I could barely ride my bike around the block, but last November I did a 40-mile race and have no trouble riding hard for 2 hours on a Saturday morning. I feel awesome!

Hunger is weird and varies from person to person. At first, you'll be eating < 600 calories/day, and probably not be hungry at all for at least a few months. Now, I do feel physical hunger, but I'm not ravenous like I could be beforehand; I can eat on a "normal person" schedule and have no trouble.

I had a slow recovery because opiate pain meds don't work for me. I was out of work for 2.5 weeks, and took daily naps for probably 2 months after surgery. I was pretty sore for the first few weeks, but about on par with gallbladder surgery.

Bathroom issues are pretty common at first, but that's often mostly because of the anesthesia and the gas they use to inflate your abdomen during surgery. Some folks need to take extra fiber (I take metamucil pills) but it's not something that's terribly hard to live with.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 8/3/15 5:35 pm

I had zero after-effects based on the surgery - no nausea, very little pain after Day 1, fully able to walk immediately, and drive after 3 day (when I flew home and picked up my car at the airport).  I did get some pretty bad constipation about a month out, which was the result of glugging my Lortab (liquid painkiller).  Not because I was in pain, but because I wanted a little bit of a high. (Addictive personality much?)  What an idiot.  Don't do that. 

The protein-forward food plan can create constipation also.  I take a capful of Miralax (the Costco generic) in my first cup of coffee every day.

I had reflux before surgery, and have it now, at about the same level.  Some people have it worse, some don't have a problem.  It's hard to predict, but at five years out I'm still taking a PPI and probably will for the rest of my life.

The "not hungry" feeling started right after surgery and lasted for a few years, for me.  I can't remember exactly when hunger came back, probably at about 3.5 years out, which was around the same time as my capacity increased a little bit.

Good luck with your decision!  For me, it was the best thing I ever did.  Even after almost hopping off the gurney as they rolled me into the OR.

Height 5' 7"   High Wt 268 / Consult Wt 246 / Surgery Wt 241 / Goal Wt 150 / Happy place 135-137 / Current Wt 143
Tracker starts at consult weight       
In maintenance since December 2011.

on 8/4/15 1:32 am - Sacramento , CA
VSG on 02/18/15

Well first let me tell you that your experience will be completely your own if you decided to have the surgery! Everyone is different so don't count on anyone's else's experience to be similar to you, I did that I was shocked! Anyhow for me it was pretty easy the easiest part was actually having the surgery that was a breeze! I had no complications, never had reflux before but have really bad heartburn now so make sure your surgeon puts you on a ppi I heard reflux gets worse after vsg, recovery for me was very painful I used all my pain meds I was in pain for about a month it wasn't  excruciating just irritating but I only needed my medicine for two weeks! I didn't have an appetite or cravings for the fist 3 1/2 months I actually hated food for a good while (enjoy that phase) now at 5 months post op not gone lie appetite n cravings have returned full force but dense protein fills me up fast and quick so mainly eat meat only to keep from being hungry and I get hungry! I had a few bouts with diarrhea the first week home nothing major liquid in, liquid out, haven't been constipated at all since surgery, heard a lot of people have issues with it (guess I'm lucky) It took me about 2 months to feel completely feel like myself again, it seems to happen a lot sooner for most but for me it took longer than most. All in all I am very happy that I had the surgery i wish I could have had it years ago!!  I'm 5 months post op I've lost 89lbs since surgery and over 130lbs from my start weight of 437 I'm down to 298 lbs, it's crazy amazing I'm still early out and have a very very long way to go but my life is so dramaticly different just in these few short months! So I hope this helped and good luck with your decision.

HW: 465lbs SW: 387lbs CW:??? GW:175


Kelly L.
on 8/4/15 10:22 am

Hi, I recommend continuing to do your research on the surgery.   You have to feel completely comfortable with your decision.   I am 4 yrs out and am still happy with my sleeve.   I had problems with diabetes and still being insulin resistant, so I gave up and let the carbs back in.   But I am back on track now, and I still have restriction and no hunger.    Especially if I do low carb high protein.   My surgery was very easy and I had no pain or nausea.   I felt better after the surgery than I did before it, but everyone is different.   I don't regret it at all, and I am back on this board to help keep me on track and for support.   I also log all my food into myfitnesspal.   It helps a lot!    I would recommend the surgery to anyone looking into it!

on 8/4/15 10:56 am

I am over 4 years out and have absolutely no regrets on having VSG in Mexico! It was a scary proposition for sure, but went smoothly. Fresh post op I was in a little pain, had narcotics in hospital for 2 days and then discharged with toradol. After a few days I was really just sore and think I only took the mess for a week. The hardest part for me was the first month of straight clear liquid diet... It's rough! But I hear not all docs require this, I think in Mexico they do to prevent leaks because there is no follow up. Whatever, I did it and it was hard, not because I was hungry but because you just crave chewing/swallowing something with a texture!! Sounds insignificant, but it drove me crazy!!!!! After that, pretty smooth sailing. I remember literally being stuffed eating a tablespoon of pudding. But, that passes fairly fast after you introduce real foods. Now at 4 years out, I always eat on a small plate, make sure to eat my proteins first and carbs last and my portions are still much smaller than my counterparts. I eat about the same amount as my chubby 2 year old:) I have recently started having heartburn, but not sure if related to VSG, have iron deficiency anemia which my MD says is "worsened" by less iron absorption from VSG but not caused by it, and have issues with constipation from time to time. BTW, for all of you taking miralax and other drugs, I tried all of that and let me tell you that the cheapest and most effective thing I've found is a simple magnesium supplement once a day! Way cheaper and less chemicals in your body to boot:) hope this helps a little! Good luck! 


Starting wt: 230lb

current wt: 147



Zee Starrlite
on 8/4/15 6:43 am, edited 8/4/15 6:44 am

sounds like you want a one way all good answer and unfortunately if you get one, it won't be authentic.  

There is a great chance you may have acid reflux after being sleeved - I am blessed not to have it but I knew it was a possibility.

Hunger - for some people it seems to dull, go away, dull or go away and return - I am lucky I barely ever get hungry 4 years + post-op - now that does not mean that I do not eat.  Most of my eating was emotional/habit/ love of food pre-op so the struggle is still here post-op.

Pain - I'm not an incredible cry baby - it was absolutely tolerable.

stomach sickness-  right after surgery while still in the hospital I had an incredible urge to puke  for a while, but did not.  No stomach sickness for me, I have a totally normal or strong sleeved stomach.

constipated - up your fiber

diarreha - if need be,there is something for that.  That is only for the liquid phase of your post-op diet "liquids in, liquids out".  It is like regular pooping - no urgency just that your poop is liquid because liquid is all you are ingesting.

I took the subway home (NYC) by myself after surgery.  I went back to work on day 5 or 6.  I felt complete/whole in a month.


I wish you the very best.


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy
