2 year post op weight gain
I have gained back 30 lbs since last fall. Had alot of stressers in the past year causing alot of emotional eating of bread, sugars, snacks and alcohol.. :/ This is the first time I have gained weight after surgery. My question is, is it possible to lose this weight again? Ive heard its extrememly hard to re lose the weight.. I wanna know what im up against. Please share any success stories of losing regained weight. I need some motivation.. Thanks
Not sure how far from surgery you are..and what surgery you had, but for most of us losing the regain is possible, but may be much more difficult.
I am 7 years post op RNY and losing regain is tough.. Most my food choices are great, but a couple of glasses of wine 2 times a week make me gain weigh****ch for the empty calories in alcohol...
no more "weekend occasional ****tail" for me
Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG
"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"
"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."
on 7/29/15 12:29 pm
You can absolutely lose the weight, as long as you make smart choices. You still have your tool of a smaller stomach, so go back to basics (as you did right after surgery): cut the carbs, load up on protein, get all of your fluids in, and get moving.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!
You are up against yourself (as we all are) We can be our own worst enemy or our very best friend!
People Can and Do lose weight without weight loss surgery at all so why couldn't you lose weight with the bonus of still having a WLS tool.
You can lose if you cut out all the junk you mentioned you've been eating "bread, sugar, snacks, and alcohol".
Get back to your post-op rules.
All Best
Year Two regain: common Losing it again: entirely possible. Been there, done that unfortunately.
You need to rid yourself of every single simple carb and put yourself on a strict no bread/sugar/snacks/booze plan. Back to basics - eggs, dairy, dense protein and green veggies. Keep calories to 1000-1200, protein 80-100 and carbs under 80 if you can. And you WILL lose!
It's not going to be fast like Year One. But it will happen. I gained almost 15 lbs. in Year Two because of messing around with my food, thinking I could get away with that crap. I've been able to get it all off plus a couple extra pounds.
Okay, I am right there with you! We can do this. I am 2.5 years out. I am not making excuses but I too have been on the go for the past two months especially and feel like I have been working 2 full times jobs (only getting paid for 1)! I have quit making my lunch and I am eating out a lot all three meals. I had planned on starting back on the basics next week but looked at my calendar it is full again each night so no time to cook. I will start making better choices immediately but get really strict on August 10. It is so easy to just let things slip and for the weight to come back on. I plan on going back to eating high protein, getting a good nights rest, stocking my fridge with vegetables, walking. If I don't take care of myself, then I am going to screw up badly and put the weight back on. Let's both get rid of this extra 30 lbs!