Back at it Again

on 7/22/15 7:28 am - Howell, MI

Hi all, I had RnY 16 years ago.  Lost 120 lbs, reached goal weight of 150 lbs.  Kept it off pretty much.  After having my dear Mama live with my husband and myself for 10 years with alzheimers, I found myself eating from stress again.  Sadly, we lost her last August and after a while I knew I now needed to take care of myself with the same love we cared for her.  I went on a low carb/high protein eating program on April 14th and I have lost almost 30 pounds and am currently 1.5 lbs from my Surgeon's goal weight for me.  I am 62 years old.  I would love to hear from some of you who are far out of surgery.  This remains one of the very best things I have ever done for myself.  I am healthy and feel wonderful.  I have an appointment with my Surgeon on the 16th anniversary of my surgery in August as a way to stay accountable.  I have found that my tool is still working, when I work it. Please let me hear from you.

crystal M.
on 7/22/15 7:45 am - Joliet, IL

Good for you!!! 

I am not that far out from surgery.  I am 6 1/2 years now and still maintaining.  I sometimes feel the maintaining CAN BE harder than losing....with no end point.  It's still a struggle to eat the right foods and not fall back into old habits.  I would think my new eating and lifestyle would be my NEW habits...but it seems that old habits never die.  They are there waiting to slip in when your defenses are down.  I feel its good to recognize the fact I will always want to gravitate towards the wrong foods and not let my self slip.    

You are an example of how it's never too late to lose no matter how far out from surgery you are.  Congrats on your loss...and keep up the good work. 

on 7/22/15 8:25 am - Howell, MI

Hi Crystal,  Thank you for replying.  It seems you are doing great.  By 6.5 years out, many patients are finding themselves gaining again.  I was a Support Group Leader for years and worked at the Barix Clinic in Ypsi for a time so I have seen the struggles we can have.  I remember my surgeon, Dr. Poplawski, told me that he could give me a wonderful tool to use for weight loss, but that he couldn't fix THE REASONS that I ate so much.  I got help for the Reasons and also for most of the 16 years was purposeful about my eating.  During the last 10 years, I lost my Daddy, Brother, and Mama.  I found during those times the OLD way of eating came back as I turned to old habits of eating for comfort returned.  But, the difference was that I recognized what I was doing and was able to stop.  I agree with you about the maintaining.  It was very easy to remain motivated when I was losing and seeing the scale go down down down.  I use different motivators with the maintaining.  But it is true.  There is NO food that tastes as good as Peace feels.  I feel peaceful when I know I am doing right by myself, that I am healthy and that those favorite clothes still look great on me.  I love that I still get compliments but FEELING pretty is the best.  The tool STILL works!!!!  Keep on keeping on.  YOU are also a great example of Weight Loss Surgery Success!!!
