Hola, B*TCHFest! Que pasa?
Hi everyone, here is my contribution for this session. I am so sick of all the band bashing. It just does'nt come from patients but all areas of the medical community. If patients would get the proper followup they needed then there would be a better success rate. Follow up gets passed on to the PA's or NP's. They need at least monthly followup for the 1st year. Practices are causing their own problems when they limit the fills and appointments.
One more thing: I thought once men had matured they would be a bit more level headed. Boy was I wrong. Men are just as shallow and dense when they were teenagers. Enough for today. I feel a lot better.
Veteran Bandster 2002
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
1. I hate the fact that I have to pay for a procedure for my son because the original procedure was botched and done incorrectly.
2. I'm annoyed with the waiting game of insurance pre-auth and "we have 15 calendar days to respond, etc etc etc". This is for my surgery, my son's procedure, my wife's testing she needs to have done, all of it! As an RN and someone who works both clinic and inpatient care, its not like I'm not educated about what the f*ck needs to happen people. Don't be rude to me because I ask the right questions to get things covered and approved and moving forward.
3. My house is a fricking disaster, yet I find myself unmotivated to clean it~so I guess that is a rant at myself! LOL
I am a broken record. I ***** about my soon-to-be ex-boss regularly because he deserves it. There is a special place in hell reserved for this self-hating closeted gay Japanese man.
His replacement is here, but King Peso (our nickname for him) will be here through September during the "transition" phase. He had to move out of his presidential office into an office across the hallway from me. It has two doors and people regularly use it as a hallway. I know I do. Now, even more so just to **** him off.
He's also had to give our new president his beloved BMW. But he won't go gently without stroking his oversized ego/micro penis. He demanded that we rent him a GMC Yukon Denali for the duration of his time here. This is considered a luxury SUV and the best price available is $210.00 per day, $6,300 per month. Since he'll be here probably through September, that's over $20,000 We have several company cars that he could drive, including a top of the line Toyota Camry, but that's not good enough for him.
Within 48 hours of having the Denali, he ran down the battery and the car was dead. Even though he has a AAA card, he refused to call them because - and I quote - he "doesn't trust them." Instead he made two employees drive with him to his condo and bring a battery charger.
All we can do is count the days until he's gone (77 as of today). He wants to have a welcome party for the new president and a farewell party for himself. Bring it on. He's the worst boss I've ever had, and one of the worst human beings I've ever met. I am sorely tempted to download "Ding Dong the Witch is Dead" and play it over the PA system.

"Oderint Dum Metuant" Discover the joys of the Five Day Meat Test!
Height: 5'-7" HW: 449 SW: 392 GW: 179 CW: 220
Do not "only" yourself into depression! You lost SIXTY freaking pounds. Appreciate how amazing that is and celebrate every one of them!
To put it in perspective, you have lost:
-1 Siberian Husky
-1.5 cinder blocks
-6 10-pound bags of potatoes (go to the store, stack up 6 bags of spuds and see what you've lost!)
-20 human brains
-40 dozen eggs
. . . or (drum roll, please!) an elephant's penis!
Sounds pretty impressive now, huh?