Been there done that.

on 7/8/15 1:27 pm

I agree with the others, just stay away.  Bu****ch the grazing!! Kari just posted a great post on the VSG board about it you should read it. 

You need to have a tough skin, I am always putting family and friends (even 8 year out) in their place when they pressure me to eat.  I have to do it here at work, I carry fat pictures around to remind people that I am not normal the rules do not apply to me like they do to them. I started this journey at 27, and it will last the rest of my life, the sooner you come to terms with it the better. Accept it, love it, deal with it, and if needed be loud about it. 

As for skin, it will not go back, you can tone.  With my arms I use a resistance band before the shower daily only for about 5 minutes or so and it does a world of difference but they are still floppy.  I had to have an anchor tummy tuck but I dont really want to do anything else.  I had to search far and long for a bra that held them out but had wide bands (not in a plus size because you can find wide bands in anything 38+) they are called long lines by the way. And I have to make sure tank tops come up nearly to my arm pit but it makes me feel good and comfy about myself. 


Good luck on your journey!!!

Start weight: 320
At surgery:  300
Current:      185
Goal:           175

on 7/8/15 1:45 pm
RNY on 05/06/15

I did read the post. It was good information. I was never a grazer, it was more not eat all day and then eat a large high calorie meal and fast bc I was starving. Which, so far has not been an option. As far as plastics, I am anticipating a tummy tuck it not a lbl (had 2 c sections) and the arms. I was just hoping to minimize the arm jiggle even a little bc I like to wear tanks.


on 7/11/15 5:05 pm

If you'll go to your profile and list your surgery type, date, and surgeon, that info will show up each time you post. That info will help us give answers suited to your surgery type and length of time post-op.

on 7/14/15 9:27 am - Denham Springs, LA

I so totally agree with everything you all have said.  I had the sleeve done in 2008 and 1/2 of the 7 years I have battled FOOD!  I am a food addict....plane and simple.  So, yes, it is a constant battle and I am usually "watching everything I put into my mouth".  One thing I have learned is DON'T BUY IT AND BRING IT INTO THE HOUSE.  You are less likely to "stop and buy it".  Not having it in the house has helped me a lot.....but I have a husband who brings it in, sits it on the cabinet and tells me I "make the choice" to eat it or not.....again I AM A FOOD ADDICT.  Really, that is how I approach my life and it is helping me.  Over the 7 years I have put on 30 pounds, but I have gotten it off and yes, it has been HARD.  


Start Weight: 186
Goal Weight: 125
Current Weight: 120  (66 pounds lost)
Size 18 Pants to 4 (Petite)
Size XXL Shirt to Small (Petite)
Goal in 6 1/2 - 7  months 

Sharon SW-267
GW-165 CW-167 S.

on 7/14/15 10:43 am - PA
RNY on 12/22/14

I;m still in the honeymoon phase and I plan to ride it out as long as possible, but still be prepared for if/when things change.

I found the videos of Dr. Matthew Wiener (not my surgeon) to be Helpful, Supportive, Inspiring, and Calming.

I started with the first one and worked my way down - if ever I catch myself not quite on the straight and narrow - I watch one.

Also, on my 6 month surigversary, I wrote a note to self summarizing my journey and commitment to continue and 5 things to do when I have trouble.  ie - I have a plan in place and I hope I have the strength to use it if I need to.  You may be too close to your surgery to have identified the old habits that seem the hardest to give up. 

One item on the list that I do is attend 10 of 12 monthly follow-up meetings at my surgeon's office.

Another is to watch these videos:

Best of luck to another person who feels better with a plan in place (to be forewarned is to be forearmed)

